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The full listing of Japan Game Awards 2012 winners were announced during the Tokyo Game Show over the weekend. For the entire list, read on below.

Grand Award

Gravity Rush

Game Designers Award


Award for Excellence

Gravity Rush
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Super Mario 3D Land
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Dark Souls
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Mario Kart 7
Monster Hunter Tri G
One Piece: Pirate Warriors

Special Award

Touch Detective: Nameko Saibai Kit

Best Sales Award

Mario Kart 7

Global Award Japanese Product

Pokemon Black/White

Global Award Foreig Division

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award

Nintendo 3DS Development Team

Future Division Winners

Ace Attorney 5
God Eater 2
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle
Soul Sacrifice
Tales of Xillia 2
Resident Evil 6
Fantasy Life
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Monster Hunter 4
Yakuza 5


A new “hunting insect” weapon was confirmed for Monster Hunter 4 earlier this month.

Thought that would be the only new weapon in the game? Good news – it isn’t!

During a stage show at the Tokyo Game Show yesterday, Capcom teased a second brand new weapon. The company didn’t share any information about the tool, but fans can look forward to more news in the future.

Source, Via

The latest video additions to the 3DS eShop are as follows:

Retro Pocket Video
Nintendo Show 3D: September 20, 2012
Rising Board 3D Video

This is Angry Birds Trilogy’s first trailer, but I suppose it also acts as the game’s launch trailer. Activision will be releasing Angry Birds Trilogy this Tuesday.

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