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Interesting notes from the list:

– Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir coming to Europe this year
– Luigi’s Mansion 2, Animal Crossing, Paper Mario and Mario Tennis are all expected to arrive this year
– Culdcept/Calciobit 3DS hitting Japan this year
– Fire Emblem 3DS not listed for North America/Europe
– Third-party lineup for Wii looks dreadful (though that was to be expected)

Take a look at the images in the gallery for more listings.

Note: The event is now over and the full round of details can be found below.

Nintendo is holding their typical investors meeting following their quarterly earnings report that the company posted last night. Our usual source for information, David Gibson, is attending the event and has been sending out live tweets.

We’re posting details from the meeting below. Keep checking back, as this post will be continuously updated until it’s finished.

– Spirit Camera hasn’t sold well in Japan thus far
– Iwata and Miyamoto are at the meeting
– Iwata feels responsible for revising down Nintendo’s financial forecast 3 quarters in a row
– 3DS sales are still strong in the U.S. after Christmas
– The fact that the Wii is declining isn’t unique to Nintendo; The PS3/360 are down year-over-year in Japan as well
– This will be the worst year financially, Nintendo thinks they’ll be able to break even on the 3DS hardware
– 200 titles coming to 3DS
– 60% of 3DS users have connected to the Internet
– Nintendo wants to expand digital offerings, but its in an infant stage currently
– Wii U will arrive before Christmas
– Nintendo are preparing appropriate titles for Wii U’s launch
– Wii U will have near field communication (NFC)
– NFC will be planned internationally
– DLC still planned
– Nintendo needs more time to do more feasibility studies on market/needs for DLC
– Wii U to have an individual account system rather than previous per hardware
– More Internet/digital news in the future
– Nintendo has built a “pillar” for digital content and can now takes risks
– Nintendo’s digital plans include user-to-user communication and sharing
– Nintendo will be looking to improve 3DS and focus on software to improve profits
– Super Mario titles will drive a lot of profitability
– Digital: If a Super Mario player gets tired, they can sell extra content digitally and will drive extra revenue (not entirely clear)
– Higher communication among users and satisfaction could improve hardware sales and install base could rise
– Digital aspect isn’t an enemy; digital content won’t be priced so it cannibalizes packaged content
– Shouldn’t decline third-parties if they want to offer item billing
– 3DS doing well in Japan
– In the U.S. and Europe, consumers were more cautious and title delays from Nintendo/third-parties had an impact
– Nintendo has learned that there shouldn’t be stagnant periods between software launches
– Digital software can extend the life of a title
– Kokuniki (3DS) enables sharing of dairy; popular title for females
– Third year of 3DS is crucial to determine ultimate software/hardware potential
– Miyamoto not retiring, but is allocating time to “chat” to the young developers
– Miyamoto is trying to teach those who haven’t been involved with development before and hopes there will be new ideas
– Iwata is critical of Wired’s report about Miyamoto retiring; message should have been Miyamoto is always considering retirement
– Miyamoto isn’t hands-on with the juniors; they watch him
– Miyamoto’s basic work is to make a big hit
– Iwata says the priority is to satisfy current 3DS users and prepare titles that will expand the user base combined with network
– Miyamoto: Wii U’s network has to have a new concept to be different
– Digital sales will be improved drastically but not dramatic for sales/profits next year
– Nintendo is a fan of the Amazon recommendation system, wants to improve/allow access by others

Capcom has commented on the boxart situation surrounding Resident Evil: Revelations. The company has acknowledged the mistake and implied that only some copies contain the error.

Capcom’s Corporate Officer/Senior Vice-President Christian Svensson said that the typo “has affected a portion of the product run.”

An editor over at Bitmob received a review copy of the title earlier today, and noticed that “Revelations” was spelled incorrectly. The spine of the box has the subtitle written as “Revelaitons”.

This is Capcom’s second boxart blunder on a Nintendo system in recent years. Following the release of Okami on Wii, fans spotted an IGN watermark on the packfront.

Nintendo Show 3D: January 26, 2012
Flipper 2 – Flush the Goldfish Video
Lola’s Alphabet Train Video
Rhythm Heaven Fever Teaser Trailer
Rhythm Heaven Fever Video #1

You can watch each of these videos in the “Recent Arrivals” section of the eShop.

On this week’s episode: Sakura Samurai: Art of the Sword, Mighty Switch Force, Tetris, Bionic Commando, Blaster Master: Enemy Below, Pushmo, Mario Kart 7, and eShop demos.

It appears that Capcom has incorrectly spelled “Revelations” on the Resident Evil: Revelations boxart. Bitmob’s Dan Hsu received the game today and quickly noticed the error.

Here’s a photo of the box:

Well, Capcom is no stranger to boxart screwups. Remember the IGN watermark on the Okami packfront?

Mutant Mudds can be downloaded from the eShop starting today.

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