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A few new details for Dynasty Warriors Vs. have emerged thanks to Japanese retailer AmiAmi. We’ve posted the information for you below.

– StreetPass support
– SpotPass support
– Both communication methods used to deliver new content
– Multiplayer game
– Team up or fight against other warriors
– Supports up to four players
– One-on-one and two-on-two fights
– Single player mode has a story to follow
– Make a custom general by picking a gender and editing his/her appearance


On this week’s episode: Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and the Nintendo eShop.

You can find the first photos of the special 3DS hardware edition of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D in the gallery above. It’ll be included in a Japanese hardware bundle that launches alongside the game on March 8.

As we found out yesterday, Konami and Kojima Productions will provide more information about the bundle on January 20.


Binding of Isaac has a strong chance of landing on the 3DS. Team Meat is very open to the idea, and it sounds like it could happen as long as Nintendo is okay with it.

If Nintendo approves, Edmund McMillen will allow a publisher who is currently pitching the idea to port the game to the 3DS.

McMillen said:

“A publisher i know is currently asking nintendo if they woudl be ok with isaac on the 3ds, if they say yes then ill had the game off to them and let them port it.”

Thanks to Jake for the tip!


Famitsu readers have weighed in on the games that made them cry the most. Here’s how they voted:

01. [PS2] Final Fantsay X
02. [PSP] Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
03. [PS2] Okami
04. [PS2] Clannad
05. [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
06. [360] Steins;Gate
07. [DC] Air
08. [PS1] Final Fantasy VII
08. [GBA] Mother 3
10. [PSP] Final Fantasy Type-0
10. [PS2] Little Busters: Converted Edition
12. [PS1] Final Fantasy IX
12. [PS3] Nier Replicant
14. [Wii] 428: Fuusaisareta Shibuya de
15. [PS2] Tales of the Abyss
16. [PS3] Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
16. [PS3] Final Fantasy XIII
16. [PS2] Tales of Legendia
16. [PS2] Ico
16. [PS2] Shadow of the Colossus

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