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We don’t have to wait any longer for new Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright details, as the magazine has a feature on the title this week. A few screenshots were posted earlier today along with some information, but you may also be interested to read about what Layton series producer Jun Suzuki and Ace Attorney creator Shu Takumi said about the project.

For their full list of comments, head past the break.

Fire Flower
Tanooki Leaf
The Number Seven
The Blue Spiked Shell (without wings)
Banana Skins
Green Shells
Red Shells
Bullet Bill
Lightning Strike


Camelot is confirmed as the developer behind Mario Tennis 3DS. It shouldn’t come as a surprise though, as the studio has been responsible for previous games in the series. They likely moved onto this project once Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was complete.


Activision says that players will be able to wear the Ultimate comic costume in Spider-Man: Edge of Time.

3DS Downloadable Software

Okiraku Bowling 3D – 500 yen
Dot Eater New Pick-dan – 300 yen
Nikori Puzzle Heyawake – 500 yen

Virtual Console

BurgerTime Deluxe – 400 yen

Video Content

Most 3DS Conference videos available on the eShop; mix of stream and download
European video featuring a variety of nature scenes, sky diving, skateboarding, and snowboarding
Itsu no Ma ni Terebi: Idoling crew video


– Professor Layton and Phoenix Wright meet in Labyrinth City
– This city is in a different world
– Wright hopes to challenge the city’s “Witch Trials”
– These trials follow some difficult to grasp rules
– Layton’s role isn’t clear yet
– New gameplay system: “Gunshuu Saiban” (“Mob Judgement”)
– Standard rules don’t apply with mob rules
– Phoenix Wright will have to face off in questioning against crowds of witnesses
– New character: Mahoney (blonde girl)
– Mahoney is the accused witch that Phoenix Wright defends
– New character: Jeeken (red-haired guy with the sword) – the prosecutor in the case
– Releasing next year in Japan


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