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I really feel like Skyward Sword is getting snubbed. Sure, perhaps it wasn’t the best game of E3, but no one is really acknowledging it or anything. I wasn’t at the trade show, though Austin seemed to greatly enjoy the game and the footage I saw had me impressed!

Best of Show
– Batman: Arkham City (Rocksteady/WB Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
– BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
– The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
– Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
– Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

Best Original Game
– Bastion (Supergiant Games/WB Games for PC, Xbox 360)
– BioShock Infinite (Irrational Games/2K Games for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
– From Dust (Ubisoft Montpellier/Ubisoft for PC, PS3, Xbox 360)
– Journey (Thatgamecompany/SCEA for PlayStation 3)
– Sound Shapes (Queasy Games/SCEA for PSVita)

Best Console Game
– Batman: Arkham City (Rocksteady/WB Games for PS3, Xbox 360)
– Mass Effect 3 (Bioware/EA Games for PS3, Xbox 360)
– The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda Game Studios/Bethesda for PS3, Xbox 360)
– Tomb Raider (Crystal Dynamics/Square Enix for PS3, Xbox 360)
– Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception (Naughty Dog/SCEA for PlayStation 3)

Best Handheld/Mobile Game
– Contre Jour (Mokus/Chillingo/EA for iPad, iPhone)
– Mario Kart (Nintendo/Nintendo for 3DS)
– Sound Shapes (Queasy Games/SCEA for PSVita)
– Super Mario (Nintendo EAD Tokyo/Nintendo for 3DS)
– Uncharted: Golden Abyss (SCE Bend Studio/Naughty Dog/SCEA for PSVita)

I suppose even Nintendo is interested in comparisons! The company posted the following image on their Twitter account, showing off the graphical upgrade in Ocarina of Time 3D:

Perhaps this would be a good time to ask who purchased the game so far. It’s nice that a lengthy, epic 3DS game is finally available to play.

Dual Stylus Gameplay Brings Immersive Sports Challenges to Nintendo 3DS

SANTA CLARA, Calif., (June 21, 2011) – Leading video game publisher and developer NAMCO BANDAI Games America Inc., today releases DualPenSports™ exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS™ system. DualPenSports is the only Nintendo 3DS title with dual-action stylus control, enabling handheld gamers a new and immersive way to compete in classic sports games. Each copy of DualPenSports will come packaged with two special sports styluses, making sure all players will be able to experience the exciting challenges and training modes with dual stylus gameplay.

Taking advantage of the Nintendo 3DS, DualPenSports brings a unique twist to traditional handheld sports games with its dual stylus gameplay and 3D visuals. Offering seven exciting sports challenges, including Soccer, Boxing, Archery and more, players can take on a number of dual-handed exercises for a stimulating mental workout and improved hand eye coordination.

Cave Story 3D trailer

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Thanks to JT for the tip!

Talk about odd! An Ocarina of Time 3D player encountered this glitch after completing the game and creating a new file. Somehow, the Master Sword ended up in his possession. That’s one glitch I haven’t seen yet…

Thanks to tipsd9video for the tip!

Nintendo Week (6/20)

Posted on 13 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments

Game of Show
BioShock Infinite

Best Action/Adventure Game
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Best Shooter
Battlefield 3

Best Multiplayer

Best Platformer
Rayman Origins

Nintendo, along with Fuji Television and Nippon Television, are bringing an eShop application titled “Itsu no Ma ni Terebi” (roughly translated to “Spot TV”) to the 3DS. It’ll be available in Japan starting today.

The service will automatically download new, completely original video content to the system through SpotPass. Although the videos are free, advertisements do appear.

Here’s a schedule rundown provided by Nintendo, provided by Andriasang:

Nittele Doubutsu de Calendar
An animal program showing animals in 3D. Delivered daily.

Tetsu View 3D
A train program designed for train buffs, complete with introductions to trains and train stations. Delivered daily.

Magic Class 3D
This program shows magic tricks from famous magicians. Delivered daily.

Idoling Sumo 3DS
A popular girls group takes on a variety of challenges, all apparently in the form of battle (like sumo wrestling). Delivered daily.

Nikkan Topics
An information program. Delivered daily.

3D Choukoku no Mori
A look at sculptures from an outdoor sculpture museum in Hakone. Delivered every weekday.

Enjoy Sport
A sports program from Fuji TV. Delivered on Saturday an Sunday.


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