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This information comes from the latest Iwata Asks. Shigeru Miyamoto and Satoru Iwata discussed The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D and Star Fox 64 3D…

– One reason why Miyamoto wanted to remake Ocarina of Time and Star Fox is because both games ran at the limit in terms of polygon counts and framerates
– Miyamoto has wanted to aim higher since the games were released
– Miyamoto thought the time was right for Zelda since people who played it on the N64 in their elementary school years were now in the mid twenties
– Miyamoto also wanted to see the massive Hyrule land in 3D
– Ocarina of Time 3D also benefits from easier item swapping thanks to the touch screen
– Miyamoto thinks 3D can add to the experience in Star Fox 64
– Having a feeling of depth makes the game easier to play
– “Easier” doesn’t mean easier to clear, but offering a good feeling when you attack things or pick up items that are floating in front of you
– Separate Iwata Asks likely for Ocarina of Time 3D closer to the game’s launch


Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime first discussed his thoughts about free content…

“I would not single out any particular company or any particular application store, but certainly it seems like, when content is being created and made available for free, that it is devaluing content, and is potentially devaluing the expectation of consumers for what content should be. I’ve heard from a lot of developers who say, you know what, these people are right. We do need to keep the value of our content at an appropriate level. Otherwise what we risk as an industry is investing time, money and energy to create something that no one has value for. What’s important is that the value of the content be high and be maintained. As an industry that creates this content, it’s in our interest to keep the value of the content high and not allow it to be devalued over time.”

Reggie then went on to discuss the disappearance of the Nintendo Seal of Quality…

“Nintendo cannot play a role of limiting in any way the content that’s available for our platform.”

Last but not least, Reggie commented on why Photo Dojo was made available for free for a short time…

“We were convinced that as soon as consumers had that game (Photo Dojo) and had that experience, that they’d share it and talk about it and it would be something that consumers would want. That strategy has worked. From the day that we stopped making it available for free, we’ve actually sold more than what we had initially made available for free. So, strategically, it’s looking at each piece of content and deciding what’s the best way to have consumers experience the content and maintain its value over time.”


This information comes from Seth Killian, Capcom’s community manger…

“It’s been really cool, but it’s been kind of scary in a lot of ways also. Just recently we had a post where the team talked about how the game hasn’t been greenlit. They were saying like ‘well, we got an extension, so we’re going to keep working on the game.’ Does this mean it’s actually going to be made? Not 100% and that’s true. It’s kind of weird because we were talking about it internally and maybe we shouldn’t say that. It’s sort of a weird message or maybe it will upset some people. And it did actually upset some people. But, the team really does have this idea that they want to share things with people for real. And they did. There is a chance that we won’t see the game for real, but we are all crossing our fingers. That’s the real story of game development, they get canceled all the time.”

This is really unexpected news. However, I’m sure we’ll see Mega Man Legends 3 eventually. Capcom seems to be pouring a ton of resources into the title and have been sincere in getting the fans involved. A prototype of sorts is playable in Japan later this month, so perhaps Capcom will feel better about the game if it receives some positive feedback!


Nintendo 3DS Accessories from PDP include Screen Protectors, Car Charger, Storage Folio and Additional Stylus Pack

LOS ANGELES, CA – March 10, 2011 – Performance Designed Products LLC (“PDP”), a worldwide leader in the video game accessory market, is helping consumers ready themselves for the launch of Nintendo’s new handheld, the Nintendo 3DS™, system, by preparing a range of products to protect and style the new gaming system. The line up of accessories includes an officially licensed Pull & GoÔ Folio, a Rainbow Telescoping Stylus pack, a Nintendo 3DS Car Charger and the Write & Protect Pack. All of the products will be available at retail and on in time for the launch of the Nintendo 3DS system on March 27, 2011.

“In preparation for the launch of the Nintendo 3DS, PDP is bringing gamers the necessary accessories to maximize their game time with the new handheld console,” Tom Roberts, chief technical officer of Performance Designed Products. “Each officially licensed product allows players a stylish way to accessorize and protect their brand-new Nintendo 3DS.”


1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
3. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
4. Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion
5. Thor: God of Thunder


1. Captain America: Super Soldier
2. Disciples II
3. Doodle Hex
4. Gabrielle’s Ghostly Groove
5. Ghostwire: Link to the Paranormal


1. Paper Mario
2. Mario Kart
3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D

EDGE review scores

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Dragon Age 2 – 6
Homefront – 5
Bulletstorm – 9
Test Drive Unlimited 2 -7
Pilotwings Resort – 6
Nintendogs+Cats – 7

The 3rd Birthday – 7
The Last Story – 8
Total War: Shogun 2 – 9
Motorstorm Apocalypse – 8
Pixeljunk Shooter 2 – 8
Yakuza 4 – 7
SpaceChem – 9
Fight Night Champions – 9
Gods Eater Burst – 6


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