Off-screen PilotWings Resort footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
New dungeons unlike for Ocarina of Time 3D, interface improvements discussed
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
First, Nintendo’s Bill Trinen commented on the possibility of new dungeons in Ocarina of Time 3D…
“I wouldn’t anticipate any extra dungeons.”
Trinen then went on to discuss improvements that have been made for the 3DS version…
“One of his long regrets was not necessarily the layout, or the puzzles or the difficulty of the water temple but the fact that [pause] the water temple involved putting on the iron boots on and off, taking them on, taking them off, taking them on, taking them off, to move up and down in the water. To do that you had to press the start button , you’d have to switch over to your inventory screen, you’d have to scroll around to get down to your iron boots and then, of course, in between, you’re switching out the iron boots with the hookshot and things like this…. He (Aonuma) feels he’s finally able to provide the experience the way it should have been in the water temple and that’ s with, on the touch panel, you have access to your inventory, so instead of having to scroll down, to find all the different items you’re going to have very simple and intuitive access to all the items and the equipment you’re going to need. Basically, with the new interface it means that instead of spending a good deal of time pushing around through your inventory, you’re able to focus on being Link, being in the adventure, solving puzzles and so on.”
Trinen also revealed that players will be able to map four items to quick-select items. So, basically, it appears that Ocarina of Time 3D is more of an enhanced port rather than a remake. Graphical improvements, interface changes, 3D graphics will all available, but there won’t be much, if any new content.
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
– Many ways to interpret the Dream Drop Distance name
– One interpretation relates to the game’s action elements
– “Dropping” from heights and “Distance” involving gameplay which take advantage of 3D and the ability to move long distances
– Yasushi Yasue: “We want to place particular focus on the form of the new Kingdom Hearts action. We want to give the game the feel of breaking speed. We’re doing a lot of trials on the development hardware, and when you actually play it, the control feel will be even better than it looks.”
– Some differences in gameplay from past titles in the series
– Switch off between Sora and Riku throughout
– Yasue” “The strategy and tempo all have a fresh feel”
– Tetsuya Nomura: “As always, we’ll have plenty of surprises. To show these surprises, we selected the 3DS, which is hardware that lets us challenge new things.”
– Storyline is “the prologue for the final battle as the story approaches the final stages for the current series just ahead of the Kingdom Hearts series’ 10th anniversary”
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Star Fox 64 3D details
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
– Play multiplayer locally
– New multiplayer modes included
– New weapons as well
– Revisit any planet and play for a high score in Score Attack Mode
– Game will include features for newcombers
– Releasing this year
Off-screen Dead or Alive: Dimensions footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Tenku no Kishi Rodea images
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
No 3DS titles from THQ at launch
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
This information comes from THQ’s Danny Bilson, who was asked if the company will have 3DS titles ready for launch…
“Not launch, but later on. We couldn’t get it together for launch, but we have some stuff we’ve greenlit on 3DS. I love that thing. It’s really cool.”
I wonder how far along THQ’s titles are. THQ announced a number of games for the system, but we haven’t really seen anything in terms of screenshots and trailers at this point. I’m interested in Saints Row…
Off-screen nintendogs + cats footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Totally off topic, but I apologize for the temporary lack of updates the past few hours. I picked up the flu earlier this week… not exactly the best time for that! Although I’m feeling slightly better, I’m still battling a number of the illness’ effects.
Off-screen Steel Diver footage
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights heading to Europe
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Introducing Doctor Lautrec…
KONAMI unveils the latest puzzle hero for Nintendo 3DS
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has revealed a new puzzle-based adventure game set in the 19th Century Paris for the new Nintendo 3DS handheld system, provisionally entitled Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights.
Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights centres on a treasure map that details a series of locations the player must visit as the game progresses. Doctor Lautrec, an archaeology professor, is a combative figure whose love of mysteries and history draw him to follow the many instructions the ancient map details. Lautrec is not a popular man at the University where he teaches, with his unorthodox attitudes also reflected in his less than moral ways of tackling puzzles. Thankfully, he is assisted by a young, eager student called Sophie who uses the adventure to learn from the master and to temper his… excesses.