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Right after Nintendo’s press conference, Ubisoft sent out a press release indicating that they would have a number of titles ready for the launch of the 3DS. One of the titles listed included Ghost Recon. In a recent Eurogamer article, it was reconfirmed that the company will be releasing the game when the 3DS launches next year. However, it seems as though the project has a new name – the “Lead the Ghosts” subtitle has been replaced with “Shadow Wars.”


Deca Sports 3DS scan

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

Thanks to Chauncey for the tip!

This information comes from Grasshopper Manufacture’s Facebook page

“No, no information on a sequel to Contact now. We’re not working on any games for Nintendo’s older portable systems. ;-)… 3DS? What’s that? ;p”

Obviously, nothing was said explicitly. But it does seem as though they’re hinting at 3DS development! It wouldn’t be too surprising, as Suda51, the company’s CEO, has expressed interest in the platform.


This information comes from Hiroyuki Takahashi, producer for Golden Sun: Dark Dawn…

“I’m afraid I can’t go into detail at this time, but the features of Nintendo 3DS are really exciting to me as a developer. I’m really excited to challenge myself and create something for it.”

Well, Camelot might as well bring the series to the 3DS! We’ve seen a couple of titles on the GBA, and one title on DS. The next logical step is to move on to Nintendo’s next handheld.


– Musou Enbu story mode from previous games returns
– No individual stories
– Custom general made, go through a multi chapter story
– Create bonds with more than 40 Sengoku era generals
– Choose from multiple chapters
– Multiple scenarios in each chapter
– Freely selectable scenarios
– View a briefing before a scenario
– Set up general positions and equipment
– “Friendship level parameter” for each general
– This shows how close you’ve gotten to them
– Improve their favor by responding to questions during event scenes
– Bonuses for becoming friendly with generals
– StreetPass support
– SpotPass support


This information comes from Q-Games…

“The 3DS does look like it could be a pretty amazing piece of hardware, doesn’t it? I’m just as excited about it as you are. Unfortunately, I’m sorry to say that we can neither confirm or deny any 3DS development…”

I think it’s only a matter of time before we see a 3DS project from Q-Games. The company worked on Star Fox Command for DS, as well as a number of DSiWare titles.



1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. Epic Mickey
3. Mario Sports Mix
4. Conduit 2
5. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars


1. Pokemon Black/White
2. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
3. Okamiden
4. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie
5. Plants vs. Zombies


1. Paper Mario
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
3. Mario Kart
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D

First, 5th Cell’s Jeremiah Slaczka was asked if Kinect or Move provide him with any inspiration…

“Yeah… a little. I don’t know. The 3DS is cooler in our opinion.”

Slaczka then elaborated on his thoughts regarding Move/its relation to Wii…

“Move is okay. It’s Wii plus. It’s good for what it is. Ultimately it’s all about the system. If the idea makes sense, then we can do it and we will. But it’s all about the idea.”

Last but not least, Slaczka talked about 5th Cell’s interest in the 3DS, and that the company is in the R&D phase of making a 3DS title…

“[5th Cell is] in the R&D phase [to make a 3DS game]. We have people playing around with it. The 3D camera is probably the most interesting thing that’s the least talked about.”


Recently, I was listening to an episode of IGN’s Game Scoop podcast. On there, ex-Nintendo editor in chief Craig Harris made an interesting comment that got me thinking. During a discussion about the PlayStation Move’s “modest” debut, Harris brought up how, while everyone is playing catch-up with motion gaming, Nintendo isn’t focusing on that element anymore. The examples he used included nearly all of Nintendo’s major releases for the holiday season, which are mostly traditional games with no special use of the motion controller. Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, and GoldenEye are those titles.

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