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This information comes from Q-Games…

“The 3DS does look like it could be a pretty amazing piece of hardware, doesn’t it? I’m just as excited about it as you are. Unfortunately, I’m sorry to say that we can neither confirm or deny any 3DS development…”

I think it’s only a matter of time before we see a 3DS project from Q-Games. The company worked on Star Fox Command for DS, as well as a number of DSiWare titles.



1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
2. Epic Mickey
3. Mario Sports Mix
4. Conduit 2
5. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars


1. Pokemon Black/White
2. Kingdom Hearts Re:coded
3. Okamiden
4. Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Reverie
5. Plants vs. Zombies


1. Paper Mario
2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
3. Mario Kart
4. Kid Icarus: Uprising
5. Star Fox 64 3D

First, 5th Cell’s Jeremiah Slaczka was asked if Kinect or Move provide him with any inspiration…

“Yeah… a little. I don’t know. The 3DS is cooler in our opinion.”

Slaczka then elaborated on his thoughts regarding Move/its relation to Wii…

“Move is okay. It’s Wii plus. It’s good for what it is. Ultimately it’s all about the system. If the idea makes sense, then we can do it and we will. But it’s all about the idea.”

Last but not least, Slaczka talked about 5th Cell’s interest in the 3DS, and that the company is in the R&D phase of making a 3DS title…

“[5th Cell is] in the R&D phase [to make a 3DS game]. We have people playing around with it. The 3D camera is probably the most interesting thing that’s the least talked about.”


Recently, I was listening to an episode of IGN’s Game Scoop podcast. On there, ex-Nintendo editor in chief Craig Harris made an interesting comment that got me thinking. During a discussion about the PlayStation Move’s “modest” debut, Harris brought up how, while everyone is playing catch-up with motion gaming, Nintendo isn’t focusing on that element anymore. The examples he used included nearly all of Nintendo’s major releases for the holiday season, which are mostly traditional games with no special use of the motion controller. Donkey Kong Country Returns, Kirby’s Epic Yarn, and GoldenEye are those titles.

Professor Ryuta Kawashima has revealed that a new Brain Age game is in the works. Concrete details about the project have yet to be shared, however. He hasn’t been given the go-ahead to speak about the title, and the only piece of information Kawashima divulged is that it’s scheduled to be released in 2010.

Even with that bit of news in mind, it’s still possible that the game will end up on the 3DS. At first, the system was on track to be released in Japan this year, so Kawashima may have been unaware of the 3DS’s new launch date.


– 3 modes of play
– Monkey Kong: Single-player, collect bananas and reach the goal
– Monkey Race: 8 car race, use items to obstruct opponents, 1-4 players
– Monkey Fight: “Sarutimate Battle,” steal bananas from opponents, 1-4 players
– AiAi, MeeMee, Baby and Gongon playable
– 4 more characters to be revealed
Site here


Well, you guys should know my stance on retailer listings at this point. Really, it’s just a listing! Until Nintendo announces something, I won’t believe anything else I hear.


– Dates: January 8/9/10
– In Hall 9 of the Makuhari Messe convention center outside of Tokyo
– Free admission
– Nintendo will reveal playable games at a later date
– New site can be found here

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


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