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As of September 10, New Super Mario Bros. 2 players have collectively obtained 100 billion coins. 13,201 users have now collected one million coins.

Nintendo shared the news in a SpotPass notification. The company has been providing regular updates about the coins total through the messaging system.


There are lots of new elements in Magician’s Quest: Town of Magic – a new main character, new characters, new furniture, and a large new shopping mall. The game is 70% complete, so it should be coming out in Japan soon.


The Wii U version of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will receive a proper introduction shortly.

There is news circulating on Japanese blogs that Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada accidentally revealed during today’s Bandai Namco Live TV show that the game will be making an appearance during Nintendo’s Wii U presentation tomorrow. It isn’t entirely clear if he was referring to the Japanese event, North American conference, or both.

In any case, look forward to an update tomorrow!

The lovely folks at ONM published a new preview of ZombiU today with commentary from Ubisoft producer Guillaume Brunier. He discussed how the upcoming Wii U game will make use of the GamePad, and even revealed some new functionality for the controller.

All of Brunier’s comments are posted below.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

3DSLL – 38,913
3DS – 25,246
Vita – 14,106
PS3 – 11,813
PSP – 9,065
Wii – 6,958
PS2 – 1,078
Xbox 360 – 815
DSi LL – 672
DSi – 597

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

Vita – 50,070
3DSLL – 44,951
3DS – 29,342
PS3 – 12,433
PSP – 10,266
Wii – 8,680
PS2 – 1,098
Xbox 360 – 875
DSi LL – 803
DSi – 685

Am I the only one who gets a kick out of these messages from Reggie?

Nintendo’s overseas launch plans for Wii U will be revealed starting at 10:00 AM ET tomorrow. Before that though, Japan will receive its own pertinent information.

A unique broadcast will be streamed for Japanese consumers at 3:00 AM ET. Wii U’s price, release date, and other details will be shared in the video.

So if you’re crazy like us, wake up at 3:00 AM ET tomorrow for a full day of Wii U news!


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