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Wii U eShop

New Super Mario Bros. could be coming to the Wii U Virtual Console soon. A rating for the game popped up on the ESRB, which usually signals that a release is on the horizon. It wouldn’t be too surprising to see New Super Mario Bros. on the eShop this Thursday, though we’ll have to wait for the latest Nintendo Download report to see what’s heading to the VC.

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Badland: Game of the Year Edition is hitting the Wii U eShop towards the end of June, Frogmind has confirmed.

For those who haven’t heard about Badland previously, it’s a side-scrolling action-adventure game with physics-based gameplay. Players tale on the role of a flying creature called Clony, who will need to escape various traps, puzzles, and obstacles in a forest.

Badland was originally released on smart devices. This new version “builds on the original game’s strengths with completely redesigned controls” and “redesigned gameplay expands that of the original by offering full left/right/up/down control over the game’s characters.” Frogmind is including over 15 hours and 100 levels of single-player story content, 100 co-op levels, and 27 multiplayer deathmatch stages for up-to-four-person local multiplayer.

Some screenshots from Badland: Game of the Year Edition are posted below.

Source: Frogmind PR

Image & Form has shared a new community Q&A video for SteamWorld Heist. The studio’s Brjann Sigurgeirsson and Julius Guldbog commented on topics such as DLC, upgrades, and procedural levels. You can check out the full video below.

Giant Bomb has uploaded another half hour of footage from Dex. View it in the video below.

Xavier Orion Games is delaying the release of Super Booty Diver. But in the meantime, the studio is shifting its attention to the title’s prequel, which is simply titled “Booty Diver”.

Booty Diver’s gameplay and art style takes inspiration from the Atari 2600 game “Aquaventure”. It’ll feature more than 40 levels and a chiptune soundtrack.

Booty Diver is slated for summer on the Wii U eShop. Pricing is set at $1.99. Catch the debut trailer below.

TACS Games has prepared a new trailer for Quadcopter Pilot Challenge. We’ve posted it below.

Nintendo released a new video today showcasing a few digital game highlights from April 2015. You can watch it below.

Acro Storm is an upcoming Wii U game by indie developer Blue Comet Games. Heavily inspired by games like F-Zero, it is an 3D high speed sci-fi racer with vehicle customization, individual story modes for each playable character, online multiplayer and a track editor.

The game doesn’t have a release date yet. Check out a bit of footage in the video below:

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Yooka-Laylee’s Kickstarter campaign has been updated with yet another stretch goal. At £2 million, the studio will prepare DLC that will be free to backers. This content will only be created once the game itself has been completed.

Playtonic wrote in a Kickstarter update:

Smashing it up like a student in Yates’s, Yooka-Laylee backers have strawpedo’d their way through the latest stretch goal, and so now an orchestral soundtrack will be enjoyed by all. But before you stumble towards the high street intending to disseminate a large donner meat and chips – wait, because there’s more…

The entire Playtonic team would like to offer its sincere thanks to everyone who has backed the Yooka-Laylee campaign so far. Our intention from the beginning was to use Kickstarter as a means to improve our game, and by helping us reach an incredible £1.5 million you’ve shaped it into one fine specimen.

From the start of the campaign we also pledged to do best by your amazing support by only setting stretch goals that would improve the game, without negatively affecting core development.

Our next stretch goal, if reached, will be used only to further improve and polish Yooka-Laylee, and give something back for your amazing support. Namely, we’ll release our first post-release DLC pack free of charge for all backers.

When – and only when – we’ve finished and shipped the full version of Yooka-Laylee, we’ll start work on additional content that will be distributed to backers free of charge for their platform of choice. And again, all additional funding will of course go towards improving and polishing the game.

You can donate to the Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter campaign here. It ends on June 16.


Ronimo Games released the seventh “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is one Berserker and six Swordsmen versus one Barrelrider, one Naga, two Axethrowers, one Heal spell and one Necromancer. Check it out below.

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