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Wii U eShop

Shadow of the Eternals’ Kickstarter campaign ended a number of hours ago unsuccessfully. The game was unable to secure enough funding, having raised a little over $300,000 of the $750,000 goal.

Precursor Games has previously hinted that the studio will continue looking into development even if the Kickstarter failed, and in a new message, confirmed this to be so.

The company wrote on Kickstarter:

“It is unfortunate that we were unable to crowd-fund this project at this time, but we have not given up. We intend to pursue other avenues with the ultimate goal of having our games come to fruition. Please feel free to migrate over to our Community Forums at, as we will be keeping our forums open for people to enjoy and discuss everything Precursor Games.”


Shadow of the Eternals has not been funded on Kickstarter. $323,950 was raised out of the required $750,000 total – not even 50 percent.

Despite the disappointing news, developer Precursor Games will likely pursue Shadow of the Eternals’ development. The team previously expressed interest in continuing efforts on the project even if the Kickstarter goal wasn’t met.

This wasn’t Precursor’s first go around with Kickstarter. An original campaign kicked off in May, but was eventually pulled. Changes were made including the removal of an episodic format, the addition of David Hayter as a voice actor, and a lower crowdfunding target.

Shadow of the Eternals has been officially targeted for the Wii U and PC, with a possible PS4 version in the pipeline as well.

Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara still isn’t out on Wii U. And unfortunately, the wait is going to continue.

An update posted on the Capcom-Unity boards reveals that the game has now been pushed back to September.

The statement reads:

“We regret to inform you all that the release of the Wii U version of Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara has moved to September. There have been a number of development issues and despite our best efforts, the delay could not be avoided. We realize this is a frustrating situation for everyone out there but we ask for your continued patience and support. Updates will be provided as the situation develops.”


Fuzzy Wuzzy Games posted an update about Armillo on Twitter just a few moments ago.

Off-TV play and second screen display are both supported, so players will have two options at their disposal. Touch screen support isn’t included with the current build, but the team is looking to see if such functionality will be beneficial.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Games Twitter messages are as follows:


Monochroma has managed to reach its funding goal of $80,000 prior to the Kickstarter campaign’s end. As a result, the game will be guarenteed for a Wii U release. The game is tentatively scheduled to hit the console in May 2014.


In a recent interview with Nintendo Life, Vblank Entertainment founder Brian Provinciano commented on a wide array of topics. Provinciano confirmed that he still hasn’t made a cent off of Retro City Rampage’s Wii sales because the official WiiWare threshhold hasn’t been met, revealed that there aren’t plans to bring the game to Wii U, discussed supporting Nintendo platforms in the future, and more.

You can find some of Provinciano’s comments after the break.

Ripstone Games has announced two titles for Wii U thus far: Knytt Underground and Pure Chess. The company also recently said that further support is planned.

Ripstone isn’t ready to reveal any new games just yet, but we were told that six games are planned for the Wii U in total.

Regarding future support for the eShop, creative director Phil Gaskell said the following in an interview that will be published on the site in just a couple of days:

“Yes we’ll be continuing to support Nintendo and the eShop. We’ve announced that the visually stunning Pure Chess is making its way over to both Wii U and 3DS, both of which look awesome and feature a great cross-platform multiplayer feature. We’re also working on a number of other games with developers that will appear on eShop but we’re not quite ready to show them off yet. Right now if we include the titles we’ve announced we have plans to bring 6 games to Wii U.”

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