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Wii U

Renegade Kid, known for titles such as Mutant Mudds and Dementium, has become an authorized Wii U developer. The studio is now in a position to make games for the console.

Co-founder Jools Watsham tweeted:

“Guess who’s an authorized Wii U developer now? Yep, Renegade Kid is in the Wii U house baby!”

Renegade Kid has never made a game for a Nintendo home console before, but the cancelled Son of the Dragon was considered for Wii at one point. Perhaps they’ll give Wii U development a try?


Head on over to GameStop and place a pre-order for Scribblenauts Unlimited to receive one of three Rooster Hat bonuses. The item will be given to consumers when the game launches. Three hat variations are planned: Maxwell’s original red, his Doppelganger’s blue, or his sister Lily’s pink.

GameStop will also offer a unique 3DS bundle for Scribblenauts Unlimited. It includes a copy of the game, a specially designed pencil-style stylus, and a Maxwell silicone case.

Source: Warner Bros. Interactive PR

Nintendo will hold a press event on September 13 to reveal Wii U launch information – for North America that is. The company’s Japanese division has been remaining quiet about its own plans.

Many expected that Satoru Iwata would host the annual Nintendo Conference next month and would share Japanese-specific content for the Wii U. Turns out that this may not actually be happening.

Iwata, tweeting following today’s Nintendo Direct, indicated that the company will announce Japanese Wii U details in a different way.

He wrote:

“”There are more than a few people who are thinking, ‘There’ll be a Nintendo Conference in September.’ I want to tell you in advance that the announcement of the Wii U in Japan is planned in a way not involving the Conference.”

Make of that what you will…


A couple of weeks ago, middleware-maker Umbra announced that it became an official Wii U partner. Third-parties can now use the company’s tools for upcoming projects.

It’s already been confirmed that Mass Effect 3 will be making use of Umbra’s technology. The game will be out for the Wii U’s launch.


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