Aliens: Colonial Marines “Contact” teaser trailer
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Iwata discusses Near Field Communication for Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
It’s possible that most of you haven’t heard of Near Field Communication before. It’s included in devices such as smartphones and even the PlayStation Vita. The feature will also be added to the Wii U.
Iwata provided an elaborate description of NFC during Nintendo’s financial briefing, and also gave vague hints as to what will be possible with the technology.
“Already by now, the Wii U is known for its new controller with a screen, among other features. For this controller, please be advised that we have decided to install a NFC function.
“As many of you know, NFC is the acronym for Near Field Communication, which is a set of standards to establish radio communication in close proximity. The NFC I’m referring to here is the noncontact NFC standard that is compatible with FeliCa and MIFARE, and is expected to be widely used around the world in the near future.
“By installing this functionality, it will become possible to create cards and figurines that can electronically read and write data via noncontact NFC and to expand the new play format in the video game world. Adoption of this functionality will enable various other possibilities such as using it as a means of making micropayments.”
Sounds sort of like Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure, doesn’t it?
Iwata once again says Wii U details coming at E3 2012, talks launch timeframe
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Satoru Iwata gave a quick update about the Wii U’s presence at this year’s E3 and launch timeframe during Nintendo’s financial briefing. He once again said the company will “showcase the final format and discuss the details” about Wii U at the big expo in June. Furthermore, Iwata noted that the console will launch around the world “in time for the year-end sales season.”
“We are planning to showcase the final format and discuss the details at E3 2012, which will be held in Los Angeles in the United States in June this year.
“Also, soon after the E3 show, we would like to organize an opportunity in Tokyo where we can showcase the same to the Japanese wholesalers and financial analysts who cannot attend the E3 show.
“As for the launch timing, we have so far stated that it shall be sometime between the E3 show and the end of this calendar year, and…
“Today, I’d like to confirm that we will launch the Wii U in Japan, the U.S., Europe and Australia in time for the year-end sales season.
“For the launch of new hardware, it is, of course, regarded as a sort of requisite not to miss the critical year-end sales season. The company is aiming to firmly complete the development of the entire system and prepare sufficient software so that the Wii U will be at its best at the time of the launch. Needless to say, we have learned a bitter lesson from the launch of the Nintendo 3DS.”
Miyamoto: Wii U won’t be just about enhanced visuals, but graphics will be important for Zelda
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments

Although Satoru Iwata was the main speaker at Nintendo’s financial results briefing today, Shigeru Miyamoto took some time to comment about his non-retirement and the Wii U.
Miyamoto stressed that the company’s upcoming console won’t just be about improved visuals. However, he did seem to say that there will be some titles in which visuals will be important – including Zelda.
We don’t have the official comment from Miyamoto, though an David Gibson was kind enough to provide a translation.
You can find more details from Nintendo’s investors meeting here.
Iwata details the Nintendo Network
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments

Nintendo Network isn’t just a simple rewording of the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection after all. There’s a little bit more to it than that.
President Satoru Iwata finally detailed the Nintendo Network at a financial results briefing today. It encompasses DLC, the account system for Wii U, and more. Iwata even said that the company is considering distributing packaged software through digital means and first-party DLC.
A full rundown of the Nintendo Network can be found below.
– Nintendo Network is the new network platform which will be used for Wii U and 3DS
– “aiming to establish a platform where various services available through the network for our consumers shall be connected via Nintendo Network service so that the company can make comprehensive proposals to consumers.”
– Competitions and communication among users included
– Sales of digital content will also be covered within the Nintendo Network
– Nintendo will be pushing to make software work with the Nintendo Network
– Tobidasu Pricla Kiradeco Revolution is the first Japanese game in which users can purchase DLC
– “We will make available the downloadable add-on content for this Nintendo first-party digital download title in the near future.”
– DLC once again confirmed for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy
– “Nintendo, as a software maker, does not plan to deploy businesses where our consumers cannot know in advance which item will appear as the result of their payment and they have to repeat the payments and, before they know it, they end up spending a huge amount of money in order to obtain the items they originally wanted to purchase.”
– Nintendo considering the future possibility of distributing packaged software digitally
– The concept above was built into the 3DS and the necessary infrastructure is in place for this
– Same infrastructure will be built into Wii U
– “The decision must be made by taking into consideration such factors as the relationship with the wholesalers and retailers, and the best way to be embraced by consumers, as well as the environment surrounding the market and consumers, such as the required memory capacity on consumers’ SD memory cards.”
– Personal account system for Wii U will be compatible with the Nintendo Network
– It’ll make things easy for hardware that is used by multiple family members
Details from Nintendo’s latest investor meeting – 200 titles coming to 3DS, NFC and individual accounts for Wii U, more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Note: The event is now over and the full round of details can be found below.
Nintendo is holding their typical investors meeting following their quarterly earnings report that the company posted last night. Our usual source for information, David Gibson, is attending the event and has been sending out live tweets.
We’re posting details from the meeting below. Keep checking back, as this post will be continuously updated until it’s finished.
– Spirit Camera hasn’t sold well in Japan thus far
– Iwata and Miyamoto are at the meeting
– Iwata feels responsible for revising down Nintendo’s financial forecast 3 quarters in a row
– 3DS sales are still strong in the U.S. after Christmas
– The fact that the Wii is declining isn’t unique to Nintendo; The PS3/360 are down year-over-year in Japan as well
– This will be the worst year financially, Nintendo thinks they’ll be able to break even on the 3DS hardware
– 200 titles coming to 3DS
– 60% of 3DS users have connected to the Internet
– Nintendo wants to expand digital offerings, but its in an infant stage currently
– Wii U will arrive before Christmas
– Nintendo are preparing appropriate titles for Wii U’s launch
– Wii U will have near field communication (NFC)
– NFC will be planned internationally
– DLC still planned
– Nintendo needs more time to do more feasibility studies on market/needs for DLC
– Wii U to have an individual account system rather than previous per hardware
– More Internet/digital news in the future
– Nintendo has built a “pillar” for digital content and can now takes risks
– Nintendo’s digital plans include user-to-user communication and sharing
– Nintendo will be looking to improve 3DS and focus on software to improve profits
– Super Mario titles will drive a lot of profitability
– Digital: If a Super Mario player gets tired, they can sell extra content digitally and will drive extra revenue (not entirely clear)
– Higher communication among users and satisfaction could improve hardware sales and install base could rise
– Digital aspect isn’t an enemy; digital content won’t be priced so it cannibalizes packaged content
– Shouldn’t decline third-parties if they want to offer item billing
– 3DS doing well in Japan
– In the U.S. and Europe, consumers were more cautious and title delays from Nintendo/third-parties had an impact
– Nintendo has learned that there shouldn’t be stagnant periods between software launches
– Digital software can extend the life of a title
– Kokuniki (3DS) enables sharing of dairy; popular title for females
– Third year of 3DS is crucial to determine ultimate software/hardware potential
– Miyamoto not retiring, but is allocating time to “chat” to the young developers
– Miyamoto is trying to teach those who haven’t been involved with development before and hopes there will be new ideas
– Iwata is critical of Wired’s report about Miyamoto retiring; message should have been Miyamoto is always considering retirement
– Miyamoto isn’t hands-on with the juniors; they watch him
– Miyamoto’s basic work is to make a big hit
– Iwata says the priority is to satisfy current 3DS users and prepare titles that will expand the user base combined with network
– Miyamoto: Wii U’s network has to have a new concept to be different
– Digital sales will be improved drastically but not dramatic for sales/profits next year
– Nintendo is a fan of the Amazon recommendation system, wants to improve/allow access by others
Ninja Gaiden III screenshots
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 0 comments
Rumor: Nintendo considering name change for Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Rumors, Wii U | 0 comments
Rumors about the Wii U have been in full force these past few weeks, and we’re still months away from E3.
CVG is reporting today that Nintendo is considering changing the console’s name. The site states that “serious discussions are ongoing at the highest level in the US and Japan as to whether the firm should cut its losses and give the console a different name.”
There was quite a bit of uncertainty last year when Nintendo first revealed Wii U. Some were under the impression that Nintendo was simply creating a new controller for their current home system and weren’t planning on launching a new piece of hardware.
Likewise, there has been confusion about the 3DS. The company has been placing red box stickers on game boxes to show that the software is for a new handheld and isn’t compatible with the DS. A tagline has also been added to TV spots: “This is not DS. This is Nintendo 3DS.”
Perhaps Nintendo will be looking to avoid another round of confusion with Wii U. The name is obviously extremely similar to Wii, and the two consoles maintain similar appearances.
Tomb Raider not coming to Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Tomb Raider is one PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 title that won’t be made for Wii U.
Crystal Dynamics Global Brand Director Karl Stewart explained that the studio wouldn’t be interested in simply porting the game. If they were to develop a title for the console, they “would build it very differently and would built it with unique functionality.”
Stewart said:
“When we started developing the game we made a conscious decision that it was all about building the game for a platform and making sure the game was specific to that platform. Given that we’ve been working on the game quite a while before Wii U was announced I think it would not be right to try and port it across. If we started building a game for the Wii U we would build it very differently and we would build it with unique functionality.”
Thanks to Jake for the tip!
Wii U to see worldwide launch this holiday season
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Rumors regarding a summer/early fall release for Wii U can now be put to rest.
During an earnings conference in Japan, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata revealed that the console will ship this holiday season in North America, Europe, and Australia. It seems that the company is planning a worldwide launch.
Thanks to ehead and 4Him for the tip!