New Batman: Arkham City screenshots
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U | 0 comments
Details from Iwata’s Q&A session – reasons behind 3DS price cut, salary reduction for Iwata, third-parties, importance of digital, much more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Following Nintendo’s Q1 2011 financial results, Nintendo and Satoru Iwata have just wrapped up an earnings briefing in Tokyo. Iwata spoke to investors about a number of topics, ranging from Wii U to salary cuts for the Nintendo president himself and other executives.
As you would expect, the 3DS was also discussed in great detail. Iwata touched on the the system’s new price point and one of the reasons behind the decision is actually quite interesting. Iwata explained that Nintendo felt that they missed out on an opportunity with the GameCube and didn’t want to make the same mistake with 3DS. That’s just one of a few explanations that were provided.
For more on the 3DS price drop and the briefing in general, read on below.
Details from Nintendo’s Q1 financial results
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
If you love sales and numbers, you’re going to greatly enjoy the points below. All of the details come from Nintendo’s Q1 2011 financial results.
– Nintendo expected net sales of 360,000 million yen for the half year spanning April 1 – September 30
– Expected operating income of 20,000 million yen
– Also expected net income of 18,000 million yen
– Now been respectively cut to 240,000 yen, 50,000 million yen, and 35,000 million yen
– Lowered sales forecast from 1,100,000 million yen to 900,000 million yen, operating income forecast from 175,000 million yen to 35,000 million yen, and net income forecast from 110,000 million yen to 20,000 million yen (full year ending March 31, 2012)
– Revisions due to stronger-than-expected yen appreciation, sales performance, 3DS price cut, sales outlook for the holidays
– Nintendo has to revise its exchange rate assumption from 83 yen to 80 yen per US dollar
– Lowered DS sales expectation to 9 million, 16 million for 3DS, 12 million for Wii
– DS and Wii figures are down from 11 million and 13 million, 3DS is the same
– Now expecting to sell 70 million units of software
– DS software projection cut from 67 million to 62 million
– Wii projection cut from 120 million to 110 million
– Current three month period ending June 2011: Sales fell to 93,928 million yen from the 188,646 million the same three month period in 2010
– Operating loss of 37,712 yen (23,342 million operating gain last year)
– Net loss remains at 25,516
– Reasons for losses: exchange rate, advertising costs for 3DS, costs for research/development for Wii U
– 3DS: .71 million units of hardware sold, 4.53 worldwide
– Total hardware sales for 3DS: 4.32 million
– Software sales for 3DS: 13.96 million
– Nintendo said Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D was favorably received, but “3DS had few other hit titles”
Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!
Bill Trinen talks Zelda – timeline, Skyward Sword, future of Zelda, much more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Videos, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
Warner Bros. Montreal working on Batman: Arkham City for Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Rocksteady Studios, the developer behind Batman: Arham City, won’t be directly involved with the Wii U version of the game. Instead, Warner Bros. Montreal will be handling the project.
The Montreal division just opened last year, so it’s tough to say if the Wii U version is in capable hands. However, one would expect that Rocksteady will be consulted at the very least. Plus, Arkham City itself will surely be a fantastic game, so it’ll be tough to screw it up!
EA finds Wii U can match PS3/360, hoping it can do more, working closely with Nintendo for online
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Along with Ubisoft, EA is Nintendo’s biggest partner for Wii U. John Riccitiello teased some of the possible games we can see on the console and the company as a whole has been supportive thus far.
Now EA Sports vice president Andrew Wilson has commented on the console, such as how it stacks up to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. While they do have a better idea of what the system can do, EA still isn’t sure if Wii U can go beyond what other consoles currently offer.
Head past the break from Wilson’s full set of responses.
How Japanese gamers feel about Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Japanese developers weren’t the only folks who recently offered their thoughts to Famitsu. This week’s magazine also features opinions from gamers. Here’s how the response turned out…
Impression of the name (Total 3,200 votes, multiple responses okay)
– 720 votes: Name lacks impact
– 620 votes: Easy to remember
– 590 votes: Name doesn’t match
– 350 votes: Nice ring to it
– 430 votes: Easy to get used to
– 190 votes: Difficult to get used to
Square Enix: Don’t write off Wii U, launch price and lineup will be important
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
This information comes from Square Enix’s worldwide technology director Julien Merceron…
“I’d say, don’t write off the console. For every console it’s the same thing: one of the most important things is going to be the launch line-up. We see that every time there’s a great title shipping on PSP, the PSP sales go up, and every time there’s a great title shipping on 3DS, the 3DS sales go up. If the audience and players can see that there are products for them, there’s definitely going to be wide adoption of Wii U. The things of utmost importance are going to be the pricing at launch, and the line-up. They’re trying to do their own thing. Generally they don’t seem to look for breadth, in terms of the things [features] they are supporting with their console. They seem to be focusing a lot, and trying to make sure the things they are focusing on are going to be at the top. I’d always be careful making judgements on their hardware. They have an approach to it that is very different from others, but they have a lot of inner control of what they are doing. And there’s a lot of knowledge and skill behind it.”
I just hope Nintendo has learned their lesson with the 3DS. The launch lineup was pretty abysmal overall, and while they tried to make room for third-parties, they fell flat completely. The price will obviously be important as well. I can’t see Nintendo pricing Wii U at higher than $349.99 or so…
Japanese producers weigh in on Wii U
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
A slew of Japanese producers have offered their thoughts about Wii U in the latest issue of Famitsu. Developers include Tomonobu Itagaki, Shinji Mikami, and Akihiro Hino. Read on below for their comments.
Tomonobu Itagaki (Valhalla Game Studios)
Said that he has a lot of ideas. He’d like to bring not just Devil’s Third to the system, but a variety of other things.
Jun Takeuchi (Capcom)
He believes that developers’ skills will be shown in how they can make use of the controller without having it draw the eyes away too much from the television screen. If Wii U has a strategic price, it could be a big hit, he said.