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SEGA has finally confirmed what most had expected at this point: Aliens: Colonial Marines has been cancelled for Wii U. A company representative said in a statement:

“SEGA can confirm that the Wii U sku of Aliens: Colonial Marines is no longer in development.”

It is a bit of a shame seeing that Aliens: Colonial Marines is no more on Nintendo’s console when you consider that Demiurge Studios did put in effort in order to make the game. In the end though, Wii U owners won’t be missing much…


Let he who owns a 3DS cast the first stone – or something like that

Author: Patrick

Of all the things to design a game around, the act of throwing a stone down a well be has to be pretty low on the list of good ideas, yet here we are with Poisoft’s Kersploosh, a game that takes this rather simple act and turns it into a fast-paced arcade game. Wells in Kersploosh (it’s called Splash and Crash in Europe, but Kersploosh is more fun to write) are more of an abstract representation of what the inside of a well, might look like, so there are plenty weird obstacles like cannons, pizzas and flying biscuits to avoid as you control a stone in a rush to the bottom. Kersploosh was actually a 3DS eShop launch title in Japan so over a year after its initial release and following the proliferation of plenty of other accessible, arcade-style games on the eShop, is it still worth sending your love down this well?

We’re revisiting Super Mario 64 because many people commented and said that I did the “Walkin’ on Quicksand” glitch incorrectly last time, and several of them offered suggestions on how to improve it. On top of that, we try out a glitch called “The Black Room of Death” that has Mario barreling through the front wall of a castle tower to get behind the textures and mess around.

Artwork courtesy of Andrew Nixon. :]

Sales of Little Inferno are currently at around the 250K mark, developer Tomorrow Corporation has confirmed. That figure is across all three platforms – PC, Wii U, and iOS. Given the quirky nature of Little Inferno, you could certainly say that it has been a success.

Source, Via

Ever since Bravely Default: Flying Fairy was announced for Japan, RPG gamers overseas have been praying for a localization announcement. Thus far, Square Enix hasn’t followed through. But Siliconera’s “trusted sources” say that the 3DS title will, in fact, make it to the west.

No word on when an announcement could be made or when the title would release in North America and Europe. Let’s hope this rumor isn’t inaccurate!


Disney has decided to close the LucasArts games publishing division. Roughly 150 staffers will now need to look for new jobs, and upcoming projects such as the highly-anticipated Star Wars 1313 as well as Star Wars: First Assault have been canned.

A LucasArts company statement reads:

“After evaluating our position in the games market, we’ve decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model, minimizing the company’s risk while achieving a broader portfolio of quality Star Wars games. As a result of this change, we’ve had layoffs across the organization. We are incredibly appreciative and proud of the talented teams who have been developing our new titles.”

LucasArts seems to be an incredibly disappointing casualty from Disney’s new acquisition of Lucasfilm. Disney made the purchase on October 30 of last year.

Source 1, Source 2

This is interesting. Nintendo will be holding an all-day 3DS event for the media in just two weeks, according to IGN editor Rich George.

George tweeted a few minutes ago:

Nintendo actually doesn’t have much 3DS software in the pipeline for North America for the second half of 2013. LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins is coming out this month, Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D is coming in May, and Animal Crossing is due in June. Beyond this, it’s unclear what else is in store. Maybe there will be an announcement or two? Or perhaps this is a chance to highlight more 3DS eShop games?


Along with today’s Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut trailer, Square Enix passed along a comprehensive listing of the game’s new elements. It’s quite extensive, covering featuring such as unique GamePad implementation and more.

We’ve posted the full rundown below.

Total Game Immersion
• You ARE Adam Jensen. The GamePad is Jensen’s Neural Hub, one of his implanted augmentations and possibly his most powerful tool.
• The “in-game” menus are now toolkits; they feel like part of the game flow and one of Adam Jensen’s augmentations.
• Tongs’s Rescue mission and the entire Missing Link chapter have been integrated seamlessly into the narrative flow of the Director’s Cut.
• Original pre-order and other bonus weapons are now at Jensen’s disposal.

We’ve already seen one instance in which a company created an improved version of an older game for Wii U, only to re-release it later on its original platforms (see Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge). Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director’s Cut is somewhat similar in that numerous changes and additions have made their way to the Wii U game.

But when it comes to the new Deus Ex version, it doesn’t sound like the Director’s Cut content will be coming to other platforms. Game designer Emile Pedneault told Penny Arcade Report recently that the title’s enhanced visuals, reworked bosses, and other elements aren’t planned for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC – for now, anyway.

Source, Via

The original Luigi’s Mansion made use of dual analog controls. Its sequel, Dark Moon, does not.

While the development team did experiment with Circle Pad Pro implementation for Dark Moon, according to director Bryce Holliday, “it didn’t add anything.”

In an interview with IGN, he said:

“We always wanted it to work with a single circle pad. When we moved to a second analog stick, because we’d actually changed that gameplay mechanic paradigm to the tug-of-war, it just wouldn’t work. There was nothing to do with the second stick. By changing, at the beginning of the project, the high-level strategy around the ghost fishing, we found that when we did experiment with the Circle Pad Pro, it didn’t add anything.”

Later in the interview, gameplay engineer Brian Davis spoke about how Toad’s involvement in Dark Moon is somewhat comparable to Link to the Past’s first mission in which players escort Zelda out of the castle:

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