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Wii U eShop

RCMADIAX’s latest game, Pentapuzzle, is now confirmed to be hitting the North American Wii U eShop next week. Pricing is set at $4.49.

RCMADIAX has released several other titles on the Wii U eShop, including Blok Drop U, Shut the Box, and Toss N Go.


3D platformer FreezeME has now been confirmed for Wii U. Developer Rainy Night Creations made the news known through a short video published today.

In FreezeME, protagonist “R” is capable of taking pictures and freezing them for a short period of time. This can affect enemies/objects, and plays into the overall gameplay.

FreezeME’s brief story synopsis is as follows:

“R” is hot on the trail of her best friend, “M,” who has been kidnapped by the evil Fat the Cat who is attempting to create a “Free-Dog-World”.

FreezeME’s development should wrap up this summer. Watch a couple of videos for the game below.


Toki Tori 2 was considered to be a good game by those who played it, but unfortunately, that didn’t translate into strong sales. The game’s poor performance ultimately bankrupted one half of the company.

At GDC 2015 last week, Two Tribes co-founder Collin van Ginkel spoke with Eurogamer about what went wrong with Toki Tori 2:

“I don’t think I would have bought Toki Tor 2 if I was a consumer. That doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s a good game. I think we did a really great job. But it’s not something I would have bought myself.”

Van Ginkel added that Two Tribes originally intended to work on Toki Tori 2 on 6-9 months, but ended up developing the title for two years.

The file sizes for today’s digital Nintendo downloads keep coming in! This one is for Don’t Touch Anything Red. You’ll need 288.6MB of space in order to download the game.


Trine Enchanted Edition has officially launched on the North American Wii U eShop. Keep in mind that the download is nearly 800MB. That’s not huge, but it isn’t a small download either!


Yesterday, we learned that Jonathan Biddle left Curve Studios. Biddle largely contributed to Fluidity, Explodemon, and Stealth Inc.

Biddle’s newest project “White Space” remains in development – though he’s currently deciding whether to continue with it “or make something else I’ve got in mind.” Whatever the future holds, it sounds like we can expect his games on Wii U.

Biddle told Nintendo Life:

As far as I’m concerned, I want my future titles to be on everything, and that certainly includes Wii U – I love the thing. However, I think I’m probably nearly two years out.

Check out a trailer for White Space below:


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