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Those who missed out on Toys”R”Us’ “Buy 2 Get 1 Free” deal can take advantage of a similar offer in just a few days. Starting on Sunday, Target will be kicking off a “B2G1F” campaign of their own.

The same terms from Toys”R”Us will likely still apply. This means that pre-order will most likely not be accepted. All games and accessories will be included, however.

The offer lasts until November 5.


Namco Bandai has put an end to rumors that Tales of the Abyss has been delayed in Europe. A company representative said on Twitter that the game is still due out in Europe on November 25.

North American gamers will have to wait until next year to get their hands on the game. Namco Bandai recently announced that it’s scheduled for a February 2012 release.


Before this week’s release of Kirby’s Return to Dreamland, it had been eleven years since a mainline Kirby game to make it out to the public. So, what took so long? As it turns out, HAL Laboratory was busy working on not one, but three Kirby projects.

The first title, as most fans will remember, was shown during E3 2005 through screenshots and a brief glimpse of footage. The second game featured Copy Abilities with a pop-up book art style. The final project contained 3D gameplay. All three of these titles were canned, though it seems that HAL chose some concepts to include in Kirby’s Return to Dreamland.

The full discussion (along with screenshots) from the latest Iwata Asks interview – now available in English can be found after the break.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword – 9/10 – “Playing the Wii out in style”
Super Mario 3D Land – 8/10 – “A disappointment only by Mario’s own high standards”
Forza 4 – 9/10 – “As close as 50 quid will ever get you to a ferrari” and for mischief I’ll add “Better than GT5”
Rage – 9/10 – “Showing the upstarts how it’s done”
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon – 8/10 – “A thrilling new take on the dogflight”
Burnout Crash – 6/10 – “Fun in small doses”
WRC2 – FIA Rally Championship 2 – 6/10 – “Less white knuckle, more white noise”
Trackmania 2: Canyon – 7/10 – “Fun, addictive, and may well improve with time”
The Cursed Crusade – 4/10 – “A laughable romp that fails spectacularly”
The Gunstringer – 7/10 – “An entertaining blast of Kinect silliness”
Renegade Ops – 8/10 – “Overblown, ludicrous and incredibly good fun”
BloodRayne: Betrayal – 8/10 – “A brawler with real bite”
X-Men: Destiny – 3/10 – “Destined for the bargain bin”
SkyDrift – 5/10 – “Fair to middling at best – A plane jane”
DoDonPachi Resurrection – 8/10 – “The true meaning of bullet hell”
Leedmees – 4/10 – “Certainly not one to follow”
Worms Crazy Golf – 6/10 – “Worth a shot”
Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster – 7/10 – “Got kids? This will be right up their street”


1. [PS3] Gekijouban Macross F: Sayonara no Tsubasa – Hybrid Pack
2. [PSP] Naruto Shippuuden: Narutimate Impact
3. [Wii] Just Dance
4. [Wii] Go Vacation
5. [PS3] Dead Island
6. [PS3] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2012
7. [PS3] FIFA 12
8. [PS3] Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Legacy
9. [PSP] AKB1/48: Idol to Guam to Koishitara…
10. [Wii] Wii Sports Resort

When Sonic Generations was announced for the 3DS, SEGA said that the game would include both StreetPass and SpotPass support. Today, we have details on the second feature. SEGA provided the following information on SpotPass:

– Exchange profile cards
– Exchange missions
– On your card: record details on how love you’ve been playing the Sonic series, list your favorite Sonic friends, play record for the game included
– Card will be updated in various ways with lots of SpotPass transfers
– 100 missions included in the game
– Unlock these missions through SpotPass
– When you do a Spot Pass exchange with another player, that player appears in your Spot Pass log
– Choose the player’s name to see that you’ve received one mission that the player has cleared
– Revenge mission: defeat a certain amount of enemies
– Special Trial mission: gopher-like enemies show up in Act 1 of Mushroom Hill Zone
– Unlock missions with Game Coins as well

Thanks to 4Him for the tip!


The European Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition commercial featuring Robin/Zelda Williams will now be played in Japan. It’s essentially the same video with subtitles added on. Looks like the Williams’ ad campaign has been successful!

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