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Super Mario 3D Land will be arrive on November 13 and Mario Kart 7 will launch on December 4, if MTV Multiplayer is to be believed. Nintendo has previously announced the release months for both titles, but have yet to provide a specific date. We’ll let you know if Nintendo confirms these dates.


PSP – 35,619
PS3 – 18,338
Wii – 17,004
DSi LL – 4,176
3DS – 4,132
DSi – 3,900

PS2 – 1,529
Xbox 360 – 1,406
DS Lite – 102
PSP go – 0

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week.

PSP – 36,659
PS3 – 20,704
Wii – 18,232
3DS – 16,415
DSi LL – 5,267
DSi – 4,625

Xbox 360 – 1,616
PS2 – 1,594
DS Lite – 138
PSP go – 7

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has opened up on the 3DS. In an interview with IGN, he discusses the reasons behind the 3DS’ loss of momentum, mistakes that were made at launch, third-party, support, and more. You can check out Reggie’s complete answers below.

Reggie on the importance of momentum…

“This is a momentum driven business. When you have momentum, it can work in your favor. When you don’t have momentum, it can be a really tough situation. For us, this is all about making sure we have strong momentum for Nintendo 3DS.”

1. [PSP] J-League Pro Soccer Club o Tsukurou! 7 Euro Plus
2. [DS] Kirby Mass Attack
3. [Wii] Rhythm Heaven Wii

4. [PSP] Toriko: Gourmet Survival
5. [DS] All Kamen Rider: Rider Generation
6. [Wii] Epic Mickey
7. [Wii] Family Fishing
8. [Wii] Wii Sports Resort

9. [PSP] Taiko no Tatsujin Portable DX
10. [PSP] Storm Lover: Summer Love!!

VectorRacing trailer

Posted 13 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

There’s still a small glimmer of hope that Xenoblade Chronicles will be released in North America. Reggie Fils-Aime commented directly on the possibility of localization, explaining that they’ll be looking to see how the title performs in Europe.

Fils-Aime said:

“We will be watching very closely what happens in Europe. Certainly if there are business opportunities and positive consumer uptake from some of those titles, that will be great data for us to consider as we look at what to do with these titles.”

If you ask me, that’s kind of unfair. Reggie seems to hint that Xenoblade Chronicles could be brought over if the game sells well in Europe, but I don’t see why Nintendo of America should base any decision on that alone. There have quite a few titles that have sold better in the Americas in Europe. Heck, that response could just be a means to quiet the fans for now…

Why do I get the feeling that this doesn’t change anything and that we’ll never see the game in the states?


New Color, New Price and Great Games Make Nintendo 3DS a Must-Have

REDMOND, Wash., Aug. 10, 2011 – Nintendo is making sure the holidays are hot this year with a new Flame Red version of its portable Nintendo 3DS™ system. The new color launches Sept. 9 alongside the new Star Fox 64™ 3D game, and comes on the heels of a new $169.99 suggested retail price, which goes into effect Aug. 12 in the United States. Flame Red joins Cosmo Black and Aqua Blue, so now shoppers have three distinct and fashionable colors to choose from.

“Nintendo 3DS is poised to be on fire for the holidays, with its new suggested retail price, great games and our new Flame Red color,” said Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime. “With major upcoming releases in the Star Fox, Pokémon and Mario series, in addition to downloadable offerings from Nintendo eShop, Nintendo Video and Netflix, the system offers new and fun experiences to owners on a daily basis.”

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