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The acclaimed BIT.TRIP game series for the WiiWare™ service has thrilled audiences with its mix of retro style and inventive game play. This week, new and longtime fans are invited to experience the series’ final installment, BIT.TRIP FLUX, and join CommanderVideo for one more unforgettable ride. Also this week, the Nintendo DSiWare™ service offers a variety of new hand-held games to satisfy a multitude of tastes. Rise to the challenge of running your own eatery in My Little Restaurant, enjoy physics-based arcade action in Magnetic Joe or fend off an alien invasion in Monster Buster Club.

One of the 3DS’ more promising Augmented Reality titles allows players to shoot at different targets. In one section, a gamer was able to turn a PSP go into a grave by placing the card above Sony’s handheld. The result is pretty humorous, to say the least!


Nintendo Week (2/21)

Posted 14 years ago by in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

We would have posted this sooner, but there seems to have been some sort of glitch with video initially. For whatever reason, the Wii would freeze when attempting to play the latest Nintendo Week. In any case, it’s fixed now, so enjoy the video!

Face Raiders footage

Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

Setting up Wi-Fi on 3DS

Posted 14 years ago by in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments

The La-Mulana staff have stated that they’ve been working hard on the title, and they’ll be resubmitting a new build soon. If all goes well, we should receive a release date soon.


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