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Tingle website opens

Posted 15 years ago by in News | 1 Comment


We discussed how a new Tingle game was being teased in the latest edition of Famitsu a few days ago, but now Nintendo has opened up an official website. There’s not much to do upon visiting, though you can participate in a tarot cards reading. A trailer is expected next Thursday.

Site here, Source

First day sales in Japan

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Infinite Space (DS) – 30,000 (65%)
Chibi-Robo, Wii de Asobu (Wii) – 6,000 (20%)
Onore no Shinzuru Michi wo Yuke (PSP) – 2,000 (10%)
Metroid Prime 2: Dark Echoes, Wii de Asobu (Wii) – 1,500 (10%)
Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd Portable (PSP) – LE 1,000 (35%)
Majo ni Naru (DS) – 800 (10%)

Looks like New Play Control! Metroid Prime 2 is off to a very slow start in Japan.

DSi 38,783
PSP 29,070
Wii 17,177
PS3 10,173
Xbox 360 6,625
DS Lite 5,664
PS2 4,096


In an interview with, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata spoke briefly about Microsoft’s new motion tech, “Project Natal”, citing that Nintendo considered the option of using a camera with the Wii, but concluded that accelerometers were a more efficient way to get where they wanted to get with the Wiimotes.

“Until they say when they’re releasing it, how much it costs and what software it comes with, we won’t know whether that is the route we should have taken. However… I think they couldn’t choose to release exactly the same thing.”

“We can do anything. We’ve got some very, very talented guys. And it just takes time. And dedication. We have the dedication. It would just be, ‘yes, here’s lots of money. Go make this for the PS3.’ [And we would say] ‘Thank you publisher, we will.’” – High Voltage’s Dave Pellas

I’m not sure how I would feel about these games moving to another platform. On one hand, I’d love for more people to get the chance to play these games (if they turn out to be any good), but on the other hand, the more exclusives the Wii has the more core gamers it’ll draw in. Thoughts, anyone?



Course: Boss Stage
Objective: Beat Topman
Secondary objective: Push Topman off the terrain, watch out for breaking pieces from the sage
Tournament date: 6/15 – 6/25

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