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Over the past few months, Nintendo’s Reggie Fils-Aime and Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter have had an ongoing verbal bout of sorts. Pachter has been claiming that a Wii HD is on the way, but a few weeks ago, Fils-Aime flat-out denied any plans for such a console to be released. On the November episode of GTTV, he stated:

“You know, Michael continues to be the only one who believes that this is gonna happen. I don’t know how forcefully we can say there is no Wii HD.”

Even with those remarks from Reggie, though, Pachter still believes that an HD version of the Wii is coming. On the latest episode of the Bonus Round, Pachter said:

“Reggie and I have a good cop, bad cop relationship. So I just keep saying yes, he keeps saying no…I know nothing, it makes rational business sense for them to introduce and soon, and I think they will introduce it and soon. 2010…Wii Plus…Yup [it is coming].”

Source 1, Source 2

ESRB updates

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments

Beat City (DS) – E
Blaster Master (Wii) – E
Faceez (DSi) – E
Kart Racer (Wii) – E
Kung Fu Funk (Wii) – E10+
Truck Racer (Wii) – E
Zorro: Quest for Justice (DS) – E10+
QuickPick Farmer (DSi) – E
Disney Fireworks (DSi) – E
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time (Wii) – E
Flight Control (DSi) – E
Worms: Battle Islands (Wii) – E10+
VT Tennis (DSi) – E
Me & My Dogs: Friends Forever (DSi) – E
Miami Nights: Life in the Spotlight (DSi) – T

Over the past few weeks, GameTrailers has featured teaser trailers of new games that will be completely unveiled at the 2009 Spike TV Video Game Awards. Up to this point, ten games have been announced. When the first VGA news hit the internet, it seemed as though only around eleven games would be at the event. This is not true, however. Geoff Keighley has stated that there are “definitely more than 11 games to show,” which means that the VGAs will be filled to the brim with new titles.

On the Nintendo side of things, right now, it looks as though only one or two games may be for the Wii. And while I don’t expect any announcements from the Big N themselves, perhaps there will be a surprise or two from a third-party.


Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Now that the latest Media Create hardware sales data has been reported, the complete totals for October have been calculated.  Here’s how things played out this month (11/2 – 11/20):

PS3 – 168,733
DSi LL – 167,956
PSP – 144,145
DSi – 140,261
Wii – 138,121
PSP go – 28,802
DS Lite – 22,870
Xbox 360 – 16,573
PS2 – 8,178

This summary is a little later than usual, but there are some interesting tidbits regarding Spirit Tracks, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (lack of advertising especially), WayForward talk, and more.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

– Bozon will be reviewing the game
– Sam likes it
– Also believes it’s one of the more difficult Zelda titles
– Again, don’t need to play previously cleared areas in the Spirit Tower
– Bozon has completed 3 dungeons and is in the third tower of the master dungeon (9-10 hours), so sidequests yet
– Sam says the tower becomes a difficult challenge towards the end of the game
– Seems Nintendo worked hard on the game to make it more complex
– Still have all the intro “tutorial” stuff
– A lot of déjà vu moments
– After the first hour or so, there’s a lot of interesting stuff
– New items
– Still find keys to treasure chests, lighting torches, but you’ll be stumped a lot because previous Zelda knowledge won’t help you
– Many times Bozon didn’t know what to do
– Game teaches you new conventions and are cool
– There are times where you’ll need to go back into rooms
– Whirlwind item can get annoying
– Sam was struggling with the Spirit Pipes since he was using the original DS
– Bozon thinks the Spirit Pipes are better implemented/used than the ocarina in Ocarina of Time
– Can’t change sensitivity of the mic
– Craig received a wooden treasure chest from Nintendo
– Comes out on Monday
– Game opens up in different areas to take the train, not the things you expect on the map
– The more Bozon plays it, the more he likes it
– Dungeons are better than Phantom Hourglass, other things are better as well
– Sam feels the train is more boring than the ship because you can’t draw your own path
– Bozon’s review should be up on Monday
– Definitely a buy game

Teyon announced that starting from Monday December 7 its Nintendo DSiWare™ title, Ball Fighter will be available in the Nintendo DSi™ Shop. Ball Fighter will be available for 500 Nintendo points.
In Ball Fighter your task is to destroy colorful spheres. Catch and throw them back before they reach the bottom of the well. Connect at least 3 of the same color vertically to make them explode and disappear. You can also encounter a few bonus types like rockets, bombs or brushes.

About Teyon
Company was founded in 2006 in Kraków, Poland by people who work in the industry since 2002 (previously known as Destan). Teyon develops, produces and publishes video games for various platforms (PC, MacOS X, DS, Wii, X360, PSP, PS3). Over past years Teyon has developed many games from various genres like casual, action, racing, sim, games for mat and others.

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