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Update: Nintendo has responded to the issues with the update and is offering to repair unmodified consoles for free.

Although initial reports suggested that the latest Wii update automatically only removes traces of the homebrew channel, there seems to be a much larger issue: It’s breaking some consoles.

The main issue lies in the actual update process. A program that allows the Wii to boot properly – boot2 – has also been upgraded but it apparently has a high chance of causing write errors. Because of this, some people are experiencing a frozen download screen when trying to download menu 4.2. The Wii will not respond if it’s frozen, and when you take the plug out…Nothing will happen when you boot it back up. This incident doesn’t seem to be happening to every Wii owner, but it looks like this could be a pretty significant problem nonetheless.

Source 1, Source 2

Did you know that Scribblenauts originally had a different name? The current title is actually pretty unique. Well, it is  in the sense that there hasn’t been any game with a similar name. But initially, Scribblenauts was called “Wordplay.” Obviously we know that title didn’t stick and Jeremiah Slaczka, Creative Director, explained how the final name came to be in a recent developer diary.

“We had a lot of different names before Scribblenauts. The original name was Wordplay, which is really lame and not fun and very generic…We’ve always gone through a lot of names before we kinda settle on a final name…

Scribblenauts was also actually a temp name, which is kind of funny that it actually stuck. Because in the beginning, we were just like, well we need something, we always need something for a pitch and what’s the project name. So we were like, ‘Well, this is quirky and interesting, but maybe not completely what we want to go for.’ But it just stuck. It made sense. And it wasn’t generic at all.”

Famitsu has published their estimates of the latest hardware sales figures from Japan. Keep in mind that Media Create numbers are considered to be more official data in some ways, and will be posted later this week.

DSi – 66,000
PS3 – 50,000
PSP – 20,000
Wii – 13,000
DS Lite – 10,000

PS2 – 3,500
Xbox 360 – 3,700

Work your body and mind and relieve the daily stresses with fresh fun and family fitness
Work your body and mind and relieve the daily stresses with fresh fun and family fitness

30 September 2009 – If you’ve ever fancied your own personal trainer to work both body and mind in the comfort of your own home, now is your chance!

Wii Fit Plus hits the shops across Europe on 30 October 2009 bringing new exercise features for both mind and body to the acclaimed Wii Fit phenomenon and making your at-home training regime even easier.

Thanks to Ross M for the news tip!

Famitsu has posted the latest software sales estimates in Japan. Official Media Create numbers will be posted later this week.

01. [NDS] Pokemon Heart Gold / Soul Silver (Pokemon Co.) – 167,000 / 2,068,000
02. [NDS] Tomodachi Collection (Friend Collection) (Nintendo)

03. [PS3] Tales of Vesperia (Namco Bandai)
04. [PSP] Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakkyuu Portable 4 (Konami)
05. [WII] Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
06. [NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Defenders of the Starry Sky (Square Enix)

07. [360] Halo 3: ODST (Microsoft)
08. [NDS] SaGa 2: Hihou Densetsu – Goddess of Destiny (Square Enix)
09. [PSP] Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s Tag Force 4 (Konami)
10. [PS3] Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (BEST) (Square Enix)

First look at the new DSi box

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News | 1 Comment


This comes from the same IGN interview that we posted about earlier today…

“Oh man. I love IGN, so I really want to give you something here… It’s an action/horror game, and it’ll be very scary… And I guess I can also tell you that the main character has a very cool watch.” – Suda51

Storm – New screens

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

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