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There has been some confusion as to whether or not the Wii MotionPlus accessory can be removed from the notorious plastic condom which the peripheral will ship in. A recent Iwata Asks interview seemed to suggest that it would not be possible. However, that’s not actually the case. IGN got their hands on MotionPlus early and posted a video demonstrating that the add-on can in fact be taken out of the covering. It does take a little bit of work, but at least this proves once and for all that MotionPlus can be used without the glove.

ESRB updates

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 3 Comments

Army Rescue (Wii) – E
GI JOE: The Rise of Cobra (Wii) – T
Go Play City Sports (Wii) – E
Mighty Flip Champs! (DSi) – E
Cave Story (Wii) – E10+
Doctor Fizzwhizzle’s Animal Rescue (Wii) – E
Family Slot Car Racing (Wii) – E
Domino Rally (Wii) – E
Sim Earth (Wii) – E
The Legendary Starfy (DS) – E
Sexy Poker (Wii) – M
Sky Pirates of Neo Terra (DS) – E
Rockin’ Pretty (DS) – E

Small update: Summary of the review below.


The first review of The Conduit is officially in. Numerous pictures of the upcoming issue of Nintendo Power prove that this score is the real deal.

Though the game received far from a perfect score, the magazine has given the game the ultimate accolade by stating that The Conduit is “the best pure first-person shooter on Wii.” However, there are a number of valid criticisms. Specifically, Nintendo Power cites unimpressive AI, a weak weapon selection, and a predictable story. On the other hand, NP discussed the control system and online support in a very positive manner.


– 8.0
– Great adventure, but doesn’t measure up to “big guns” of the genre.
– Predictable story.
– Unimpressive AI.
– Little innovation aside from the controls…
-…yet their quality, which owes a lot to their customizability, mostly overshadow these issues.
– Locales look great for the most part though the level of details can be inconsistent.
– Finely tuned level design based more around covering yourself and surviving than “run ‘n gun”.
– Lack of destructible environments is a disappointment.
– Great, satisfying to use weapons selection.
– ASE is cool, but under-utilized.
– Impressively smooth online experience.
– Cliffhanger ending hinting at a sequel

Thanks to Jake for the news tip!

More here

Thanks to _Contra for the news tip!

Thanks to Ross for the news tip!

The last time GameStop mentioned Nintendo, the company said that they would be reserving shelf space in anticipation for upcoming Nintendo games. David W. Carlson – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, spoke about Nintendo in the latest GameStop Corp., Q1 2009 Earnings Call conference. Mr. Carlson believes that “there’s a couple of Nintendo titles coming that have not been announced” and will release this holiday.

“…The new title base actually looks very very strong for the second half starting in the fall obviously with Madden, Rock Band Beatles, you’ve got Guitar Hero 5, the new Halo 3, and Batman as I said earlier, and then going into October with Tekken 6 and BioShock 2, and then going into November with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, and we believe there’s a couple of Nintendo titles coming that have not been announced. So, it looks like actually a very very strong fall and holiday season.Then going into November with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, and we believe there’s a couple of Nintendo titles coming that have not been announced.” – Gamestop executive David W. Carlson

It’s not uncommon to hear of a parent taking away their child’s video games when they feel he/she is addicted. Unfortunately, one boy committed suicide after his parents declared he could no longer play. A 12-year-old schoolboy in Bangkok, Thailand was quite upset following his parents words. In fact, police were able to discover that messages were to sent to his friends saying, “tomorrow is my last day.”

The boy reached school that day, but then simply put his backpack on his desk, arrived to the sixth floor and as you would probably expect, jumped and met his death. Thailand’s Ministry of Health failed to show any compassion for the parents and noted that the situation should have been handled differently. “For children addicted to gaming, the most effective approach is not to ban games but to regulate the time spent gaming.”

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