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Punch-Out!! videos

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments


May 19, 2009—Discovery Communications, the world’s number-one non-fiction media company, has finalized three new interactive entertainment licensing deals based on the Discovery Channel brand and hit series DEADLIEST CATCH and CASH CAB. Built for mobile, PC and console gaming platforms, the games will debut between June 2009 and holiday 2010.

Specifics on the three new games are as follows:

CASH CAB Mobile Game – CapCom, a leading developer and publisher of mobile games, will create a mobile game based on Discovery Channel’s innovative game show CASH CAB, during which unassuming cab-hailing New Yorkers become trivia show contestants with the chance to win cold hard cash on the way to their destination, or lose and be ejected onto the sidewalk! In the spirit of the fun-loving series, the CASH CAB game will have players racing against the clock to answer general trivia questions before reaching their New York City destination. The game launches for cell phones at the end of June 2009 and for iPhones end of August 2009.

Bit.Trip Beat (WiiWare) – Recommended
Bonsai Barber (WiiWare) – Hmmm…
Equilibrio (WiiWare) – Hmmm…
Pop’Em Drop’Em SAMEGAME (WiiWare) – Hmmm…
Bomberman ’94 (VC) – Recommended
Detana!! Twin Bee (VC) – Recommended
Gaplus (VC) – Hmmm…
Mappy (VC) – Recommended
Star Force (VC) – Hmmm…
Summer Games II (VC) – Grumble Grumble
The Tower of Druga (VC) – Hmmm…
Super Punch-Out!! (VC) – Recommended
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons (VC) – Hmmm…
Bird & Beans (DSiWare) – Hmmm…
Brain Age Express: Math (DSiWare) – Hmmm…
WarioWare: Snapped! (DSiWare) – Hmmm…
Art Style: AQUIA (DSiWare) – Recommended
Master of Illusion Express: Funny Face (DSiWare) – Grumble Grumble

MySims Racing screenshots

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

Max & the Magic Marker is a physics based 2D platform game, in which the player controls the boy Max and his Magic Marker. While Max enables good old platforming fun, the marker pro­vides the game’s signature feature: the ability for the player to draw directly inside the game world where everything drawn becomes physical objects. This feature is used to complete levels and overcome challenges but it also provides the player with a unique tool that in itself is fun to play around with.

The objective of the Max project is:

• To reinvent and celebrate the 2D platformer
• To make a game that you can play with – not just play
• To utilize the drawing mechanic in an speedy action game
• To make a game that is for everyone

Boom Blox staying on Wii

Posted 15 years ago by in News, Wii | 0 comments

“I get this question so much, and honestly I’ll give you the blunt answer: we really want the game to be as good as possible on the Wii. We don’t have a second to think about other platforms. That ends up clouding your thinking and diluting the game experience. Boom Blox is a Wii game through and through. If we went on to another platform we’d have to significantly reconfigure and redesign the core mechanics, but currently we have no plans to do that.” – Senior Producer Amir Rahimi

This is quite different from what has been said by other EA employees in the past. I would be 100% satisfied to see Boom Blox remain as a Wii exclusive IP, though.


The Game Boy Advance lives

Posted 15 years ago by in DS, GBA, News | 6 Comments

The DS has been in the spotlight for the past few years, leaving the Game Boy line to take a backseat while Nintendo’s new portable soaks up the limelight. But no – The Game Boy Advance is not dead. A Nintendo representative told Kotaku that the GBA is still seeing shipments across the world. In fact, 420,000 units were sold in the last fiscal year.


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