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1. Final Fantasy XIII (PS3, Square Enix)
2. Dragon Quest IX (NDS, Square Enix)
3. Biohazard 5 / Resident Evil 5 (PS3, Capcom)
4. Dragon Quest VI (NDS, Square Enix)
5. Super Robot Tais Z (PS2, Namco Bandai)
6. Monster Hunter 3 (Wii, Capcom)
7. Chrono Trigger (NDS, Square Enix)

8. The Last Remnant (PS3, Square Enix)
9. Final Fantasy Versus XIII (PS3, Square Enix)
10. Pokemon Platinum (NDS, Pokemon)
11. Animal Forest (Wii, Nintendo)

12. Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP, Square Enix)
13. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3, Capcom)
14. Star Ocean: The Last Hope (X360, Square Enix)
15. Tales of Hearts (NDS, Bandai Namco)


A Japanese website has posted that Nintendo has penciled in a conference for this October. Although this information has yet to be confirmed, especially since there is no “true” source behind the posting, there is a pretty high possibility that the information can be correct. Nintendo held a conference in Japan last October, where the company revealed Monster Hunter 3 would be releasing on Wii. If the event remains true, the conference would take place just a few days before the Tokyo Game Show. Although it’d be best to take this rumor with a grain of salt, don’t rule it out completely – at least not yet.

Thanks for the tip, Josh!


– Songs in Guitar Hero see 200-300% increase results for real-world sales
– Guitar Hero titles/content will triple by 2010, will be doubled in 2009
– More developers, hardware suppliers being brought in by growth
– Infinity Ward making Call of Duty 6, should release next year


In April of this year, three critical members of Retro Studios who are best known for their work on the Metroid Prime series, left the company. There were a rumor that the three men who left – Mark Pacini, Todd Keller and Jack Mathews – were interested in forming their own video game company. Well, yep, the rumors were true. Pacini announced today that he, along with his other two cohorts, have created Armature Studios. Furthermore, the company already has a publishing deal with EA.

“EA approached us with this really interesting business model of creating a small studio that is only comprised of industry veterans. The goal is to create new IP with a very, very small team and to produce a game without having to grow that team. From my stand point, I’ve never worked on any other console. I’ve always made games for Nintendo. I’m reinvigorated. I’m really excited about what other opportunities are out there. How can we use Xbox Live? How can we use the power of the PS3? I think it really opens it up. I’m not saying it was by any means restrictive working for Nintendo. We had this palette to work on, the Wii and the DS, but now we have everything. That’s just really, really exciting.” – Mark Pacini

Armature Studios is not able to work on the Metroid franchise any longer, but Todd Keller has already expressed interest in possibly returning to work on Samus’ future sometime down the road.

“Personally, I would love to work on another Metroid game. I have been in love with Metroid for years. We had a chance to recreate a game that was created way back when. That was awesome.” – Todd Keller


Team17 confirmed today that an Alien Breed remake is in the works. Other than the next year release window and the release of the official logo, no other details were discussed. A WiiWare release would seem like a viable option, but the developer’s also have the option of putting out the remake on the XBLA and PSN too.


This past Thursday, the NPD data showed that the DS had yet another astronomical month. Even though the DS Lite released well over a year ago in North America, Nintendo managed to sell another 518,300 system units. By doing so, the DS Lite has broken a record previously held by the PS2: The most amount of units for a system sold in August. Sony previously held on to the record with 454,300 PS2 units sold. It may also be worth noting that the Wii almost passed that same record as well, with 454,000 Wii consoles.


NMag review scores

Posted 16 years ago by in DS, News, Wii | 0 comments


Soul Calibur Legends – 6
Table Football – 3
Off Road – 3
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2009 – 7
Madden NFL 09 – 6
Obscure 2 – 5
Defend your Castle – 6
Strong Bad’s Episode 1 – 8


Madden NFL 09 – 4

Thanks to Biggity for the news tip!

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