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One retailer source has told ONM that Call of Duty: Ghosts is coming to Wii U.

Activision officially announced Ghosts yesterday. In addition to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC, the company confirmed that the game is also heading to “next-generation platforms” – which may or may not include Wii U.

When asked if gamers can expect Call of Duty: Ghosts on Wii U, Activision would only say: “We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned.”


Wiikey, the same group behind Wii’s first mod chip, has allegedly hacked the Wii U.

An announcement on Wiikey’s website reads:

“Yes, its real. We have now completely reversed the WiiU drive authentification, disk encryption, file system, and everything else needed for this next generation K3y. Stay tuned for updates!”

Tangible evidence of the hack has yet to surface. Additionally, assuming Wiikey was successful, the implications may not be as severe as you would initially think.

Currently, it’s also possible to play copied games. The hack doesn’t allow for homebrew, region-free gamings, or in-game cheats.

Nintendo will likely choose to address Wii U vulnerability concerns through future Wii U firmware updates.


If you have a Virtual Console game on your Wii U through Wii mode, you can repurchase it on the eShop at a significant discount. We’re now hearing that a similar program may be offered between Wii U VC and 3DS VC games.

According to a new article written by Emily Rogers, a VC game would need to have launched for both Wii U and 3DS in order to be eligible – as you would expect. Rogers also clarifies that not all titles would be included in the program.

When might we be hearing about this from Nintendo? Perhaps not at E3, but likely before year’s end.

Rogers has also reiterated rumors about a gifting feature for the Wii U eShop, which was first provided on the Wii Shop Channel. This element is coming not only due to requests from gamers, but indie developers as well.


The next Call of Duty, rumored to be Call of Duty: Ghosts, could be set for a reveal next week. IGN has posted marketing material sent to retail stores that suggests an official announcement is just a few days away.

The item is a display blueprint that will be distributed to most GameStop outlets on April 29. They will be told to bring out the display on May 1.

Black Ops II just so happened to be revealed during the NBA Playoffs last year on May 1. We could be seeing a similar pattern with this year’s Call of Duty.


Warner Bros. and 5th Cell are gearing up for a new Scribblenauts that incorporates the DC license, according to an IGN report. The game is rumored to be arriving on the Wii U, 3DS, and PC.

Scribblenauts Unmasked was one of the names being thrown around internally. Max is returning once again for this latest outing, who is out to help a variety of DC superheroes.

IGN’s write-up offers two gameplay scenario examples:

The next Call of Duty won’t be another Modern Warfare or Black Ops, it seems. Retailer leaks have apparently revealed a completely new title called “Call of Duty: Ghosts”.

First, UK retailer Tesco Direct has posted boxarts of the supposed PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions:

There’s also a Target ad that mentions Call of Duty: Ghosts:

Activision may very well be planning a Call of Duty reveal for the near future. The company will likely have something to show on television during the NBA Playoffs.

One caveat is that there has been no mention of Ghosts for Wii U as of yet. But surely Activision will have no excuse not to bring the game to the console… unless they were extremely disappointed with Black Ops II’s sales.


The first two Batman: Arkham games have been single-player-focused affairs. Warner Bros. Montreal will apparently be mixing things up for the third entry, Batman: Arkham Origins, with at least one multiplayer mode.

Kotaku reports that “during at least one section of multiplayer, you play as a member of Joker or Bane’s gang while trying to take down Batman and Robin.” Possible playable and customizable villains include Killer Croc, Deadshot, Firefly, Black Mask, Deathstroke, and “some kind of Electroman character”, the site’s source says.

One of Kotaku’s sources has allegedly confirmed that Origins will indeed feature multiplayer, but wasn’t able to confirm specifics.


Two big Wii U items are due this week: the first of two major updates, and the Virtual Console.

The update was initially expected yesterday followed by the VC service today, but we know that isn’t the case. So when are both coming?

According to Emily Rogers, who has proven to be mostly reliable thus far, the firmware update will be available on Thursday. The Virtual Console will come on Friday, one day later.

And here’s one additional element thrown into the mix: Miiverse will apparently launch for mobile and PC platforms sometime this week. You may be able to access the social network through your browser here.

We’ll keep you updated on any additional developments…


Hot on the heels of speculation regarding new functionality for the eShop and Virtual Console, Emily Rogers has posted a rumor about a cancelled Wii U title.

Rogers tweeted:

Emily Rogers has had a fairly reliable track record, so it wouldn’t be surprising if this was the real deal. Hopefully we’ll learn more about the situation soon.


The NPD Group does not typically release hardware and software sales data for video games, which means we generally must rely on leaks and clues coming from official statements to piece together data.

In the case of the March 2013 report, we may have figures for almost all major platforms. A leak has allegedly sprung up on 2ch, and while we typically tend to be hesitant in sharing official information from that source, numbers listed on the message board do sound feasible.

The figures are as follows:

?3DS 230K?+1%? (nearly confirmed based on NPD analysis)
?Wii 91K??47%?
?Wii U 67K
?PS3 211K??36%?
?360 261K??30%?(official)

Assuming the data above is correct, that would mean the DS sold 86,000 units, the PS Vita moved 33,000 units, and the PSP tacked on another 8,000 units.


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