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Mutant Mudds’ 3DS update is finally out today, but it seems to be causing issues for users. On the bright side, they can be dealt with easily enough.

Players have reported problems pertaining to the diamond and collectible count. Additionally, switching between the game’s two characters on the front screen after unlocking the “Grannie” content is not possible… or so many initially thought.

All can be fixed by beating the first level. That’s all. Just access your save final and complete the first Ghost stage. You’ll see an unexpected end credit teaser, but everything should then be fixed. Hopefully Renegade Kid will produce an official patch in the near future.

Source, Via

Senran Kagura series producer Kenichiro Takaki has shared a look at Senran Kagura 2’s four-disc soundtrack, which is a first-print bonus. You can find the images in our gallery above.

Source, Via

Bayonetta 2’s multiplayer will let you play as multiple characters, according to the game’s website.

A notice posted on the European page states:

“Choose from a range of powerful characters, and give angels and demons a beating that’s as brutal as it is beautiful.”

Bayonetta and Jeanne have already been confirmed for the game’s multiplayer known as “Infinite Tag Climax”. Who else might be included?


Kotaku has another round of quotes up from the developers of Splatoon. Specifically, Tsubasa Sakaguchi and Hisashi Nogami weighed in, and there’s a little bit from Shigeru Miyamoto as well.

Here’s what was shared:

Another 3DS size is in. This time, we have the block size for Squids Odyssey. The download takes up 1,432 blocks of space.


Storm in a Teacup has released a short video showcasing footage from Nero. You can find it below.

Bike Rider DX2: Galaxy’s file size is in. Like the first game, Bike Rider DX2 is a very small download. You’ll only need to reserve 779 blocks on an SD card.


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