Japanese Kirby and the Rainbow Curse amiibo promo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
More: Amiibo, Japan, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
Fan makes custom Waluigi amiibo
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 6 Comments
One fan has put together an impressive custom amiibo featuring Waluigi. Luigi is used for the base, so Smash Bros. players can set the character to Waluigi colors in-game.
The asking price for this amiibo is $200 on eBay. You can check out the official listing here.
More: Amiibo
Update: Or not – Target now says Rosalina & Luma amiibo pre-orders will return this month
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
Update: I’m not sure what’s going on with Target, but now it’s looking like pre-orders won’t be returning after all…
@90pll Thanks for asking! The Rosalina and Luma Amiibo will be a Target exclusive. We aren't offering pre-orders on this item.
— AskTarget (@AskTarget) January 2, 2015
@90pll The Nintendo Amiibo Rosalina & Luma will be available in our Target Canada stores. But no preorder and quantities will be limited.
— AskTarget (@AskTarget) January 3, 2015
@Jervaaay Thanks for your interest! We aren't currently taking pre-orders and don't have specifics right now on future availability.
— AskTarget (@AskTarget) January 3, 2015
Target opened pre-orders for the Rosalina & Luma amiibo during two extremely brief periods last month. The retailer later said that online reservations were closed and consumers would need to head towards their local stores in hopes of nabbing a figure.
Now we’re hearing something that contradicts this a bit. The official “AskTarget” has indicated that Rosalina & Luma amiibo pre-orders will return sometime this month before it goes on sale in February. Fans are advised to continue checking the website.
@Jervaaay Yes the Rosalina & Luma amiibo Figure will be available for pre-order sometime this month! Keep checking back! Thank you!
— AskTarget (@AskTarget) January 2, 2015
Additional defective amiibo: Diddy without a jaw, dual-wielding Pit, and more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Images | 9 Comments
You didn’t think defective amiibo would stop appearing anytime soon, did you? Well, we have four new ones to share: Diddy Kong without a jaw, a dual-wielding Pit, Peach with backwards legs, and Samus without a foot. View the gallery above for snapshots of each.
While we’re on the topic of defective amiibo, you’ve probably noticed that we’ve been talking about them less and less. The fact of the matter is that defects constantly appear across all types of products. That’s why we won’t be featuring defective amiibo on a regular basis… unless we feel that they’re interesting!
More: Amiibo
Rumor: Samus, Fox amiibo discontinued at Target stores
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Rumors | 4 Comments
Although we don’t have official confirmation, it’s looking like the Samus and Fox amiibo could be phased out at Target stores. Employee Zach “iamxZ3R0” Collins shared the photo above on Facebook, which indicates that the Fox figure is no longer available. Zach has also apparently confirmed that Samus is showing as discontinued as well.
amiibo figures are doing pretty well at Best Buy
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 12 Comments
amiibo figures appear to be doing quite well at Best Buy, a major retailer in North America.
CONSULGAMER reports that “A review of Best Buy’s online sales show Disney INFINITY and amiibo in a dead-heat for the top 20 game-to-toys on the market – each having ten toys in the list.” If you expand to the store’s top 50 selling products on its website, amiibo and Disney Infinity are tied with 18 products in the top 50. Skylanders lags behind with 14 products.
Nintendo previously confirmed that 710,000 amiibo were sold in the U.S. over a three-week period.
amiibo compatibility list
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Images | 4 Comments
One fan has put together an amiibo compatibility list, which we’ve included above. The chart features recently-confirmed amiibo-supported games such as One Piece: Super Grand Battle! X and Ace Combat 3D: Cross Rumble +.
More: Amiibo
Reggie on Nintendo’s performance and sales, high-demand amiibo, more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U | 15 Comments
Last week, The Seattle Times put up a few new quotes from Reggie Fils-Aime. The Nintendo of America addressed the company’s performance and talked a bit about sales, high-demand amiibo, and more.
You’ll find a roundup of Reggie’s comments below. You can find The Seattle Times’ full article here.
On whether Nintendo is now on a rebound…
“(Nintendo is) doing better this year than we did last year. The way I would frame it: Our goal is to drive an ongoing positive trajectory. Certainly with the momentum we’re seeing with our hardware, the momentum we’re seeing with our key software titles, that gives us a lot of confidence.”
More: Amiibo, Reggie Fils-Aime, top
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse has 28 story stages and 40 challenge stages, amiibo support detailed
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 10 Comments
Today’s Japanese trailer for Kirby and the Rainbow Curse reveals a few new details about the game. We now know that it will include 28 story stages plus 40 challenge stages.
Additionally, Nintendo provided first information about Kirby and the Rainbow Curse’s amiibo support. The Kirby figure will allow players to star dash at any time. Meta Knight provides a special mask and higher attack, while Dedede also has a unique mask and offers higher health.
More: Amiibo, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, top
Latest amiibo stock update
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 11 Comments
Finding amiibo through online retailers can be rather tough. Figures constantly go in and out of stock, so it can be difficult keeping track of what’s available.
So here’s the latest. Of the wave 2 amiibo, Diddy Kong is currently the only one Amazon is selling directly. None of the others are in stock at the moment.
As of this post’s publication, GameStop is selling Luigi, Zelda, and Diddy Kong. Captain Falcon and Little Mac are currently gone. It’s also worth mentioning that Shulk pre-orders are sold out again.
No Little Mac or Diddy Kong over at Toys “R” Us. You can, however, purchase Luigi and Zelda amiibo.
Best Buy is pretty much out of everything. Little Mac, Zelda, Luigi, Captain Falcon, Diddy Kong are all sold out!