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Two versions of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim exist. There’s the original game from 2011, as well as the Special Edition remaster from 2016. We know that the RPG is in development for Switch, but in what form is currently unknown.

Unfortunately, Bethesda’s Todd Howard isn’t providing any new insight. Polygon asked about the Switch release, but was told that Howard “can’t say” whether it will be the original Skyrim or remaster.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is planned to hit Switch this fall. Hopefully we’ll get a clearer answer about the game before then.


Speaking with GameSpot, Bethesda game director Todd Howard said that Nintendo was “less interested” in the company’s games in the past. However, that has since changed.

Howard noted that Nintendo has been a “very good partner” for Bethesda in its effort to bring Skyrim to the Switch. “Whereas before they were less interested in the types of things that we did or some other groups did,” he said.

Howard also had some praise for Switch. Regarding the new platform, he had this to say:

“I think it’s really smart what they’ve done. I think it’s the kind of device that only Nintendo could make. It’s exciting to bring Skyrim to the Nintendo audience. I don’t know where it’s gonna go. But I think it’s a really smart platform. We like it a lot.”


In an interview with Glixel, Bethesda Game Studios director and executive producer Todd Howard had plenty of positive things to say about Switch.

Howard was able to get a look at Nintendo’s new system at E3 in June. Whatever was presented, he said that it was “probably the best demo I’ve ever seen.”

Howard also said that Bethesda is “definitely going to be supporting it.” He made note of the fact that this is really the first time the company will be involved with a Nintendo platform since the NES days.

Finally, it was further suggested that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will be on Switch. That certainly makes sense, as it appeared in Nintendo’s announcement trailer for the console.

Here’s the full transcript of the Switch conversation:

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim had a heavy presence in the Switch trailer Nintendo put out earlier today. That being said, Bethesda isn’t ready to officially confirm the game for the upcoming system just yet.

In a statement provided to GamesIndustry, a spokesperson noted that Bethesda isn’t “confirming any specific titles at this time”. However, the publisher intends to talk about “specific games and details in the future.”

The full statement is as follows:

“We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the video. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of the Switch. We look forward to revealing specific games and details in the future.”


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Bethesda vice president Pete Hines was recently asked about NX and whether the publisher would support Nintendo’s next platform. During the interview, Hines mentioned that Bethesda is talking with Nintendo “all the time”, and having games on the new system is something that would be considered.

Metro now has even more in-depth remarks from Hines. The publication asked him to speak about how Bethesda stays in touch with Nintendo, and further asked about potential NX support.

Head past the break for the relevant excerpt.

At QuakeCon, spoke with Pete Hines, vice-president of Bethesda Softworks. Hines was asked about the company’s stance regarding NX, and whether we can expect to see their titles on the new system.

Hines said in response:

“We talk to Nintendo all the time – we’re pretty well briefed in on what they are doing. It’s definitely something we will look at; and our philosophy is that we will put our games out on any format that supports the games as we envisage and make them. If the NX fits that from a technical standpoint, and fits the game that a developer in our stable is making, I don’t see why we would not put it out on NX. But it’s too early to say, ‘we’ll definitely be putting games out or not.’ Like with mobile, we want to have the right fit for the right formats.”

Bethesda has some heavy-hitting franchises between the likes of Elder Scrolls, DOOM, and Dishonored. Having more third-party games on NX certainly wouldn’t be a bad thing. Only time will tell if Bethesda’s titles will end up on the platform, however.


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