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Capcom published two more weapon videos for Monster Hunter X today. View trailers for the Insect Glaive and Light Bowgun below.

A bunch of Monster Hunter X footage was showcased during the latest episode of Capcom TV. You can watch it below. Additionally, at the 43-minute mark, there’s footage from Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX.

Capcom has announced that Mega Man Legacy Collection is scheduled for early 2016 on 3DS. Also during this period, a physical version will be made available.

Pricing for the digital release appears to be set at $14.99 / €14.99 / £11.99. The retail version will cost $29.99.

As a reminder, here’s what’s offered in Mega Man Legacy Collection:

This collection celebrates a piece of video game history by not only featuring the series’ origins with all six of the 8-bit classics, it also collects hundreds of high-resolution scans of vintage concept sketches, production art, unused Robot Master designs, a database of enemy information, a robust Challenge Mode full of remixed gameplay sections, plus a music player with all the games’ soundtracks—more than 100 songs!

Challenge Mode remixes gameplay segments from all six games, with plenty of scaling difficulty objectives for experienced players to conquer yet serves as a good starting point for new players, too. All six of the classic games will retain their retro 8-bit style with a newly added HD finish, giving all of the original sprites the crispest look fans have ever seen.

New screenshots and art from Mega Man Legacy Collection are in the gallery below.

Source: Capcom PR

Capcom continues its look at Monster Hunter X with two more weapon videos. Trailers for the Slash Axe and Charge Axe can be watched below.

Capcom prepared another two weapon videos for Monster Hunter X today. Trailers for the Lance and Gunlance can be seen below.

Capcom prepared another two weapon videos for Monster Hunter X today. Trailers for the Hunting Horn and Hammer can be seen below.

Capcom has uploaded another couple of Monster Hunter X weapon videos. Below you’ll find trailers for the one-handed sword and dual blades.

Just a few days ago, we found out about Monster Hunter X’s new Bird Wyvern-type monster known as the Hororo-Horuru. Capcom since updated the game’s website with additional details about the creature. Read up on the latest information below, courtesy of Siliconera’s translation.

– Prefers being in the dark
– Uses its sharp claws to strike down enemies from above
– Claws are located on its wings and feet
– They also have special scales inside their feather that can put you in an unconscious state upon inhaling
– Can shoot giant laser-like super sonic sound wave attacks
– These also come with a new type of status effect called the “Pinch” (or Danger) status
– There’s still not much known about the Pinch status


A limited edition version of Monster Hunter X is available through the e-Capcom Store. The package comes with a copy of the game, organizer bag, and a pair of exclusive 3DS themes. Pre-orders come with four replacement jackets for the boxart.

Below is the bag’s measurements:

– Bag: 28cm width x 20cm height x 5cm thickness
– Shoulder Strap: 120cm length x 2.5cm width
– Belt Loop: 5cm width

Capcom also posted a couple of weapon videos for Monster Hunter X. View the Great Sword and Long Sword trailers below.


Capcom’s latest update on Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX is all about player interaction. Siliconera translated the information, which we’ve rounded up below.

– Courier Felyne: known for his services and liking apples
– Speak to him when sending mail to other people’s villages
– You’ll have a pamphlet with your village information on it
– This gets traded with other players
– Once they take it via local connectivity, you’ll get to interact with them through StreetPass
– You can then see their names and the number of friends they have
– You’ll also receive the other player’s pamphlet
– Their pamphlet tells you information on how their village development has been coming along, and their friendship level with Felynes
– The Felynes registered through a pamphlet will occasionally come visit the nesting grounds, where you keep baby monsters
– They’ll also bring along their own monster babies
– Can get items by interacting with them
– You’ll sometimes receive collaboration costumes from special quests available through downloads
– Recent collaborations include Super Mario Bros. and Animal Crossing outfits, V-Jump collaboration based on the Jump comic’s pirate logo


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