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Chris Roberts

Burnout Paradise Remastered

Switch received a quality racer this summer in the form of Burnout Paradise Remastered. Developer Stellar Entertainment gave the port the proper care, as the game is mostly flawless when it comes to performance and even sports features like pinch-and-pull map control. Now players can experience Burnout Paradise on the go thanks to Switch’s portable nature.

Recently, Nintendo Everything was given the opportunity to speak with Stellar Entertainment creative director Chris Roberts. Roberts chatted about the experience of bringing Burnout Paradise Remastered to Switch, including the challenges involved and maintaining high performance. 

Our full discussion can be read in full below. 

Burnout Paradise Remastered

Burnout Paradise Remastered was initially released in 2018. Then this past summer, EA and Stellar Entertainment brought the game to Switch – more than two years after the initial launch.

Although Burnout Paradise Remastered came to Nintendo’s console much later on, it was actually something the team discussed during the project’s early days. Stellar Entertainment creative director Chris Roberts told Nintendo Everything in a recent interview:

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