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Chucklefish is sharing new information about its turn-based strategy title Wargroove. The studio has started to show how some of the units look across all four of the game’s different factions.

The Soldier unit was introduced last week. This time around, we have an update on Archers.

Here’s the full rundown from Chucklefish:

Chucklefish provided the latest information about Stardew Valley in a new blog post today. A status update for the upcoming multiplayer update was given, and we also have another tease for new content coming to the game. You can find the news in full below.

Chucklefish is sharing new information about its turn-based strategy title Wargroove. Over the next few weeks, the studio will highlighting how some of the units look across all four of the game’s different factions.

First up is the Soldier unit. Here’s the full rundown from Chucklefish:

Chucklefish has been hard at work ironing out the Switch version of Stardew Valley. The most recent patch has been released, and the accompanying patch notes have been posted below.

ConcernedApe is currently hard at work on a multiplayer feature for Stardew Valley that will be added in a future update. Additionally, something else is planned that will also be impact single-player.

ConcernedApe teased on Twitter:

The tease above is all we have to go on at the moment. Hopefully we’ll have more news to share in the weeks ahead.


Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley’s Switch patch is coming closer to release. It’s been submitted, meaning it shouldn’t be too long until the patch makes it out to players.

One interesting thing included with the update is video capture. We didn’t know about this previously, but Chucklefish has confirmed that you’ll be able to record gameplay clips similar to Super Mario Odyssey once the patch is released.


An official post on Chucklefish’s forums for Stardew Valley has a status update about the upcoming Switch patch.

Last month, the company highlighted various issues that have been reported. Everything listed as “In Develop” below has been fixed. The update is in QA testing currently, but an exact date for the update’s release has yet to be determined.

Also, one of the things being addressed is saving times. A comparison video showing how this has been improved can be found below, along with the entire status update for the patch.

Chucklefish held a live stream for Wargroove today and showed off the map editor in great detail. Find the full recording below.

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley creator ConcernedApe held a Reddit AMA yesterday. It was an opportunity for fans to ask all sorts of questions about the game, which just launched on Switch last week.

Some of the responses were pretty interesting. It sounds like a physical version might be possible on Switch, and the somewhat long save times are being looked too. Unfortunately, touchscreen support is unlikely. ConcernedApe also talked vaguely about future plans, including his next game.

Here’s a roundup of the more interesting responses:

Stardew Valley finally launched on Switch yesterday. It seems to be going over well, but players have encountered a few issues.

Fortunately, Chucklefish is already planning a patch. The full details regarding what will be addressed can be found below.

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