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Digital Eclipse

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Siliconera has shared new details about Mega Man Legacy Collection’s Challenge Mode in an article published today. Read on below for an information summary.

– Challenge Mode has many different objectives
– Ex: rush to defeat all of Mega Man 2’s bosses
– Ex: see how quick you can defeat Mega Man’s Yellow Devil
– One challenge blends stages from all six Mega Man games into one
– This begins on Cutman’s stage from Mega Man and after a fight with a Big Eye, a black hole whisks players to a stage from Mega Man 2
– Each stage transition reloaded Mega Man will a fully charged stock of weapons from the game he jumped into
– Challenges are timed
– Item 2 in Mega Man 2 creates a helpful rocket sled that lets you fly past bottomless pits in one of the Mega Man 2 challenges
– Players have five minutes to complete a challenge
– Your best time is saved
– Challenges include:

– Mega Man 1 – 6 (has levels from all six Mega Man games)
– Mega Man 1 Megamix (a remix challenge only with levels from Mega Man 1)
– Mega Man 1 Robot Rush
– Yellow Devil (a battle with Dr. Wily’s Yellow Devil)
– Mega Man 2 Megamix
– Mega Man 2 Robot Rush


These details come from Capcom’s live stream for Mega Man Legacy Collection that was held yesterday…

  • Rapid fire is in and totally optional
  • No shoulder button weapon switching
  • Menus use Japanese artwork; U.S/EU packaging in the museum
  • Complete Works arranged music on menus, not in-game
  • All six games retain the one frame button lag from NES
  • Menu colors are based on the original Mega Man color coordinates from Capom’s old licensing manual
  • Replays limited to 100 individual replays
  • One save slot per game
  • Considering a hot key for save/load state
  • There’s a platinum trophy for PlayStation 4
  • No Navi Mode (i.e in-game hints)
  • The intent of this collection is to present MM1-6 on modern consoles in the highest quality possible. *If* sales are good, they will consider collecting other Mega Man games.
  • No 3DS details until much later
  • They did not specify why the Wii U is being left out, just one of those “not right now” answers


On his Twitter page, Digital Eclipse’s Frank Cifaldi has been sharing additional details about the Mega Man Legacy Collection, which was announced earlier in the week.

Here’s a summary of what Cifaldi mentioned:

– Save slot for each game
– Won’t feature any new art that isn’t featured in the big Mega Man 25th anniversary art book
– No filter, NTSC composite simulation, RGB monitor filters
– Unclear if 3D will be supported
– Can stretch 16:9 if you want
– Not restoring unused content from the Mega Man 3 cart
– Audio is apparently “spectacular”
– The team contracted an expert to help with audio

On the project’s intent:

Decision to focus on the first six Mega Man games:

Mega Man Legacy Collection launches on the 3DS eShop this winter.

Source, Via

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