Fortnite version 7.30 patch notes
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Version 7.30 of Fortnite is now available to download. Among other improvements and bug fixes, it adds the new Chiller Grenade, the Solid Gold limited time mode as well as several performance improvements to the Switch version. Here are the full patch notes:
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, version update
Fortnite version 7.30 to improve Switch optimization, game getting spectating features
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Epic Games has confirmed that it will be improving Switch optimization for Fortnite with a 7.30 update. This includes reducing crashes and hitches, GPU enhancements, and doubling the limit for the number of displayable cosmetics.
Here’s the rundown on some Switch optimizations planned for v7.30:
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, title update
Fortnite version 7.20 content update out now
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Fortnite has received its latest content update. Version 7.20 features the Sneaky Snowman, a new structure, the limited time Sniper Shootout mode, and more.
Below are the full details:
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, title update
Fortnite version 7.20 patch notes
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Version 7.20 of Fortnite is now available, and we’ve got the full patch notes for you. Highlights include a new weapon, the Scoped Revolver, as well as a new Limited Time Mode, One Shot.
Limited Time Mode: One Shot
There’s low gravity and every player has 50 health. Snipers are the only weapon and Bandages the only healing item. Jump high and aim well!
Mode Details
- Gravity is set lower than normal.
- The Storm wait time has been greatly reduced in all phases of the game.
- The only weapons in this mode are Hunting Rifles and Sniper Rifles.
- Semi-auto Snipers and Bounce Pads have been removed from the Vault in this mode.
- Players will spawn with 50 health and can only heal if they find Bandages.
Weapons + Items
- Scoped Revolver
- Available in Epic and Legendary variants.
- Fires Medium Ammo.
- 42 / 44 damage per shot.
- Available from floor loot, chests, Supply Drops, and Vending Machines.
- Added Gliders, an item that grants Glider redeploy.
- This item takes up an inventory slot and can be found from normal loot sources.
- Gliders do not need to be selected to deploy. Activate them by pressing your jump button while in mid-air.
- Rarity is Rare.
- Gliders come with 10 charges.
- Each deploy uses a charge. When all charges are used the item disappears.
- Glider redeploy does not consume a charge when using a Launch Pad, Rifts-to-Go, or respawning in a Limited Time Mode.
- Found from floor loot, chests, Vending Machines, and Supply Llamas.
- Minigun adjustments
- Added an overheating mechanic. Overheat occurs after approximately 6 seconds of continuous fire.
- Reduced the wind-up time by 37%.
- Updated the audio for the Minigun.
- Rarity color adjustments
- Balloons changed from Epic to Rare.
- Stink Bomb changed from Epic to Rare.
- Scoped AR decreased from Rare/Epic to Uncommon/Rare.
- The following projectile-based weapons now have the same projectile trajectory as the Heavy Sniper Rifle:
- Bolt Action Sniper Rifle
- Suppressed Sniper Rifle
- Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
- Hunting Rifle
- Weapon first-shot accuracy now works with icy feet and while on ziplines.
- The reticle center dot on Scoped Rifles has been reduced in size. This will mitigate situations where it appears you’re on your target but still miss the shot.
- Trap drop chance adjustments
- Total drop chance of Traps from floor loot increased from 3.98% to 4.73%.
- Cozy Campfire
- Drop chance from floor loot increased from 0.26% to 0.73%.
- Drop chance from Loot Llamas increased from 6.63% to 15.47%.
- Launch Pad
- Drop chance from floor loot increased from 0.53% to 0.98%.
- Drop chance from Loot Llamas increased from 13.25% to 20.77%.
- Mounted Turret
- Drop chance from floor loot decreased from 0.8% to 0.73%.
- Drop chance from Loot Llamas decreased from 20.42% to 15.47%.
- Small shields max stack size has been decreased from 10 to 6.
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, version update
Fortnite version 7.10 content update #3 now live
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Epic Games has updated Fortnite with its latest content. That means new weapons, adjustments, and more.
Here’s the full rundown from Epic:
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, title update
Fortnite version 7.10 content update #1 now live
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
The first content update for Fortnite version 7.10 is now available. Primarily, the highlight here is the addition of presents.
Below are the full details:
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, title update
Fortnite v7.10 patch notes
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Version 7.10 of Fortnite is now available. This update adds the “14 days of Fortnite” limited time mode, new options in Creative Mode, balance changes and more. Here are the full patch notes:
Battle Royale
What’s New?
14 Days of Fortnite
Explore new Challenges, play in new and old LTM’s, and unlock rewards in this seasonal event, starting December 19!
Limited Time Modes: 14 Days of Fortnite
The 14 Days of Fortnite event will feature both new and returning LTMs. Large team modes switch every two days and small team modes rotate every 24 hours.
Starting December 19, log in each day at 9 AM ET(1400 UTC) to find out which modes are available to explore. Let us know which LTM is your favorite on our social channels!
Weapons + Items
- Heavy Assault Rifle Changes:
- Reduced the effectiveness of the Heavy Assault Rifle while not aiming down sights; aiming down sight gameplay remains roughly the same
- Increased ADS accuracy bonus by 10%
- Increased accuracy while standing still by 10%
- Reduced vertical recoil by 6%
- Base accuracy reduced by 30%
- Reduced accuracy while jumping and falling by 60%
- Reduced the effectiveness of the Heavy Assault Rifle while not aiming down sights; aiming down sight gameplay remains roughly the same
- Improved Balloon controls
- While in the air, Balloons can be released by pressing the ‘Crouch’ keybind(formerly the ‘Jump’ keybind).
- Players can again use Alt-Fire to release a Balloon when the Balloon item is selected.
- For modes it’s available in, the height at which glider redeploy is available has been decreased from 1000 units to 576 units.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where players were able to pick up live Dynamite through structures.
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, version update
Fortnite version 7.01 patch notes
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Version 7.01 of Fortnite is now available. Highlights include a new melee weapon, the Infinity Blade, as well as lots of changes to Creative Mode:
- Players are no longer brought to the Battle Royale lobby when clicking “Creative” in the game mode select screen.
Battle Royale
Limited Time Mode: Close Encounters
Close quarters combat with Shotguns & Jetpacks!
Mode Details
- The only weapons in this mode are Shotgun variants.
- Jetpacks & Heavy Shotguns can be found in chests & Supply Drops.
- Other Shotgun variants are spawned as floor loot.
- The Storm moves in more quickly than normal at mid to late game.
- Typical match length is about 15 minutes.
- Stats are enabled for this mode.
Weapons + Items
- Infinity Blade
- This Mythic melee weapon can be found on Polar Peak.
- Primary Fire delivers a powerful sword slash. It deals big damage to enemies and destroys structures in one blow (75 damage to players).
- Alternate Fire allows the player to leap great distances, destroying objects in its path. Upon landing, it delivers damage and a knock-up to nearby players (25 damage).
- The wielder of the sword is also granted additional abilities:
- An increased pool of max Health and Shields (200 Health/200 Shields).
- Regeneration of effective Health over time up to max Health and Shields (1 HP per second).
- An instant burst of effective Health upon elimination of an enemy (50 HP).
- Increased movement speed (130%).
- The first player to pull the Infinity Blade from its pedestal will be instantly healed to full Health and Shields.
- If a player picks up the Infinity Blade, all other inventory items aside from building materials will be dropped.\
- When the wielder of the Infinity Blade picks up an item (aside from building materials), the Infinity Blade will be dropped.
- The Infinity Blade will be dropped when the wielder is knocked out or eliminated.
- Only one Infinity Blade will appear per match.
- X-4 Stormwing
- When a plane is shot down, the driver and all passengers of that plane will now take 25 damage from the explosion.
Bug Fixes
- Speculative fix for players moving after being eliminated.
- Fixed players being ejected from vehicles if they lost the icy feet effect.
More: Epic Games, Fortnite, version update
Fortnite introduces “The Block”
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Epic Games has pulled back the curtain on a new feature for Fortnite. Those who make the “most exciting and imaginative islands” in the Creative mode will be featured in the Battle Royale map.
Below are the full details:
More: Epic Games, Fortnite
Fortnite Season 7 + Battle Pass trailers, version 7.00 patch notes
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Fortnite Season 7 is here, bringing with it a host of changes, including the new Creative mode. Check below for the announcement trailer of Season 7, the Season 7 Battle Pass trailer and the version 7.00 patch notes: