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Fire Emblem Heroes

Following the trend of the last few days, a new Summoning Focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes that is centered around Cecilia and Lilina’s Battle.

This is yet another Focus that is only set to last 24 hours. As expected, it will feature characters Cecilia, Lilina, and Roy.

In addition, the latest Voting Gauntlet — Mothers and Sons — has now concluded, with Owain being crowned the victor over Corrin. The final bracket can be viewed below.

A new Valentine’s Day-themed Summoning Focus is set to drop into Fire Emblem Heroes this Friday, bringing with it some more Special Hero variations.

The special set is slated to last a full month, until March 8th. While the heroes are unknown at this time, the typical teaser image has been left behind to get fans guessing.

The image can be viewed above. In addition, a new Ishtar and Reinhardt’s Battle Summoning Focus is now live for the next 24 hours. The featured heroes can be viewed below.


A new Summoning Focus is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes for the next 24 hours — this time focusing on Seliph and Julia’s Battle.

The characters that are featured in this set are unexpectedly Seliph, Julia, and Deirdre. As stated, this Focus will only be live until tomorrow, February 5th.


Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes is celebrating its second anniversary with a new event known as Find & Vote. Players can choose and vote on their favorite character based on the ones in Fire Emblem Heroes, and can cast new votes every day.

According to Nintendo, the top-ranking character of each color (red, blue, green, and colorless) will be available as part of the 2nd Anniversary Heroes summoning event. Additionally, for this summoning event, players are guaranteed to receive a 5-star Hero from among those featured in the summoning focus.

You can find the official website for Find & Vote Heroes here.

There was no live stream this time around, but a new Feh Channel presentation has gone live. You can watch it below. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems detail some activities planned for the game’s second anniversary, the Dragonflower item, next update, and more.

A new Summoning Focus is live in Fire Emblem Heroes that features with the specific skill set.

This Focus is set to last until February 13th. As pictured above, the heroes with increased drop rate this time around are Laevatein, Nina, and Sumia.


Fire Emblem Heroes

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have revealed the results of the third Fire Emblem Heroes – Choose Your Legends event. On the heroes side, Alm placed first while Eliwood was second. Meanwhile, for the heroines, Micaiah took top honors while Camilla placed second.

All four of the winners will be released in “special versions” at a later date. For a more comprehensive breakdown of the results, continue on below.

The Mothers and Sons Voting Gauntlet has gone live in Fire Emblem Heroes. As expected, the first round matchups are the mothers versus their respective sons – Ethlyn vs Leif, Lissa vs Owain, Cherche vs Gerome and Mikoto vs Corrin.

Also, it’s Thursday, which means that a new map has been added to Tactics Drills. “On the Run” can be found in the Grandmaster section.

The Duma: God of Strength Mythic Hero Summoning Event that was initially revealed yesterday is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes.

This now makes Duma the second Mythic Hero added to the game since the Version 3.0.0 update. The focus is set to last until February 6th.

The five-star heroes that are featured in this event — garnering an increased 8% drop rate — are listed below.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have revealed a new Mythic Hero for Fire Emblem Heroes. This week, Hero Duma: God of Strength will be added to the game.

The character is slated to arrive on January 29 / January 30, depending on your region. View a trailer for the event below.

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