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Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes - Bridal Bloom

The next Tempest Trials+ event in Fire Emblem Heroes, Loki’s Flames, will start on May 25th. The main reward will be Marth: Altean Groom and the Flier Formation 1 seal. The bonus units will be the four recently released wedding-themed Heroes, Tharja: Obsessive Bride, Ninian: Bright-Eyed Bride, Sanaki: Apostle in White and Marth: Altean Groom, alongside the regular versions of those characters. These four (Tharja: Dark Shadow, Ninian: Oracle of Destiny, Sanaki: Begnion’s Apostle and Marth: Altean Prince) are the focus units of a summoning focus that’s available right now.

Fire Emblem Heroes - Bridal Bloom

With the Bridal Bloom banner going live in Fire Emblem Heroes today, new paralogue maps were also added in. Check out some footage below.

Fire Emblem Heroes - Bridal Bloom

Announced last week, Fire Emblem Heroes’ Bridal Bloom banner featuring special versions of Tharja, Ninian and Sanaki is now live. There are also a couple of new paralogue missions, as well as quests to go along with them to earn additional orbs.

The latest Blessed Gardens map is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Starting today, players can challenge Colonnade of Earth.

Also worth noting, Fire Emblem Heroes had its usual Special Maps: Rival Domains update yesterday. Players can earn a bonus for defeating foes with cavalry allies.

Fire Emblem Heroes - Bridal Bloom

The trailer for the upcoming Bridal Bloom summoning focus hid a little secret: Marth in a special groom outfit could be glimpsed at the end. Since he isn’t part of the summoning focus, that means that he will be available through other means. Nintendo of Europe has now confirmed via Twitter that Marth: Altean Groom will be available as a reward in the next Tempest Trials+ event, which will start on May 25th.

Also, a new set of quests are now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. The Weapon Workout quests require you to defeat a certain number of enemies with each type of weapon (swords, lances, axes, colorless bows, daggers, red tomes, blue tomes, green tomes and staves). There are quests for defeating foes of any level, as well as foes that are at least level 35. The rewards include orbs, stamina potions, arena medals and great badges.


Fire Emblem Heroes - Bridal Bloom

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have detailed the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Bridal Bloom will kick off on May 21, the two sides announced today.

Ninian, Sanaki, and Tharja will all be featured. Expect a new Paralogue Story as well.

Here’s a trailer for Bridal Bloom:

We know that Fire Emblem Heroes is getting a “Special Heroes” summoning event starting on May 21st. This summoning focus will last for a whole month, which usually means that it will feature Heroes in special themed outfits. Last year around this time, we got the Bridal Blessings summoning focus with female characters in wedding-themed outfits. It seems like we will get a similar theme this year, judging by the teaser image showing silhouettes of two of the characters that’ll be available through the focus.


A new Summoning Focus is now live. It’s called “New Power” and it features 5 star versions of Corrin (Fateful Prince), Clair (Highborn Flier), and Camilla (Bewitching Beauty). This summoning focus will be available until May 27th.

The latest Fire Emblem Heroes Grand Hero Battle features Julius: Scion of Darkness. This Grand Hero Battle will be live until May 23. Check out the gameplay below:

Fire Emblem Heroes’ latest Grand Hero Battle is live. This time around, Julius: Scion of Darkness is the focus. You’ll find him waiting in Special Maps.

The latest Grand Hero Battle will be live until May 23.

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