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Fire Emblem Heroes

The Grand Hero Battle featuring Female Robin is back in Fire Emblem Heroes. As usual, you can get a 3 star or 4 version of this character depending on if you beat the map on one of the three difficulties available. There are also some new special quests available that are tied in with this Grand Hero Battle which allows you to get some Orbs and another 3 star version of Female Robin.

The Grand Hero Battle featuring Female Robin and the new special quests will be available until September 20th.

You can now receive a nice 10 orbs and 5,000 feathers as a result of the Quick Hero Battle which were held August 30th to September 7th. Just something nice to look forward to next time you login into Fire Emblem Heroes.

A large amount of orbs are going to be given to users from September 11th to September 25th, you will be able to get 5 orbs and 5,000 feathers because of the retweet event.

The hero with the most votes for the Starter Support Free Hero Event is Narcian and you can expect to see rewards from this event coming around September 16th.

The first Tempest Trial Mini is now available for players to start. The character reward for this trial seems to once again be Masked Marth. This trial will be based around the characters from the GBA Fire Emblem game. The event runs shorter than other trials and will last from September 9th to September 15th.

Fire Emblem Heroes added in some new content today involving Ephraim / Eirika. New summons are available along with a Bound Hero Battle. Everything is shown off with the footage below.

Other than the Bound Hero Battle starting today, we have some more Fire Emblem Heroes news. Nephenee and the Black Knight now appear as enemies in the Quick Hero Battle web mini-game, and as such, we now have both of their character artwork. As for when they will be added to the mobile game itself, the upcoming “Moment of Fate” Tempest Trials later this month seems like a safe bet.

Also, a new campaign has started on Twitter. You can support one of four fliers – Narcian, Est, Palla or Catria, and a 4-star version of the winner will be sent to all players. The campaign will run until September 11th. You can vote in Nintendo of Europe’s poll here or retweet the tweet featuring your favorite from the game’s Japanese Twitter account (Narcian, Est, Palla, Catria). The Nintendo of America Twitter account will put out a vote later today as well, and the results of all of those will be combined to determine the winner. Currently, Narcian is in the lead by a wide margin, so get cracking if you want to see any of the Whitewing sisters win!


Another new summoning focus and Bound Hero Battle are now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. The summoning focus is called “Ephraim and Eirika’s Battle” and features 5 star versions of Eirika, Seth, and Ephraim.

The third Bound Hero Battle event is tied in with summoning focus so you will be battling against Ephraim and Eirika in 3 difficulty levels (Hard, Lunatic, Infernal). Clearing each map will give you 2 Orbs each.

This summoning focus & Bound Hero Battle will only be available until September 13th.

Fire Emblem Heroes just received a new update. Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have issued version 1.7.0.

The full patch notes are as follows:

・ New Support gameplay feature added.
・ Added a way to view team names when selecting teams.
・ Added an option to search for Heroes by skill within Inherit Skill menu.
・ Added new options to the Settings menu.
・ Bug fixes.

An easier version of the Tempest Trials is coming called the Tempest Trials Mini and to accompany the upcoming trial we get a new focus that includes: Hector, Lyn, Ninian, and Eliwood.

The official Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account has revealed all of the game’s upcoming events in September, and it’s looking like quite a packed schedule: (thanks to Serenes Forest for providing a translation)

The version update log-in bonus starting in three days means that, well, we’re due a version update pretty soon. Since we haven’t heard anything about until now, it’ll likely be a fairly minor one, but still. Also of note is the game’s first collaboration with Fire Emblem Warriors with special maps dropping on the 21st, one week before the game’s Japanese release on the 28th. Could the new heroes we’re getting on the 15th also be from Fire Emblem Warriors? It’s quite possible.

We are also getting not one, but two Tempest Trials this month, with the Tempest Trials Mini only lasting one week. Two new Bound Hero Battles are also coming, featuring Ephraim & Eirika from Sacred Stones and Ninian & Hawkeye from Blazing Blade. Finally, it doesn’t look we’re getting a new Grand Hero Battle at all this month, merely two reruns featuring Female Robin and Clarisse.


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