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Fire Emblem Heroes

The latest regular live stream was held for Fire Emblem 0 just a short while ago. Plenty of announcements were shared about the trading card game, but there was also some surprise news pertaining to Fire Emblem Heroes.

Seliph and Julia from Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War are joining Fire Emblem Heroes. Additionally, Ephraim and Eirika from The Sacred Stones are on the way.

Director Shingo Matsushita stopped by the stream to make the announcement. Unfortunately, a specific date for the new characters wasn’t announced, but you can expect to see them soon.


The first Grand Hero Battle is live in Fire Emblem Heroes, and it pits players against the Wyvern General Narcian (from Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade). The challenge will end on February 14 at 1:59 AM (EST). The battle is challenging on both Normal and Hard difficulty levels. The Normal version is Lv. 25 and requires 10 Stamina, while the Hard is Lv. 35 and requires 15 Stamina. Furthermore, you must have all four of your units alive in the end, and you may not use Light’s Blessing. A few screenshots of the event are below:

Fire Emblem Heroes is providing some rewards to players with its latest update. First up, all players are receiving 10,000 Hero Feathers upon logging in, as thanks for this week’s retweet event. Second, all players can get a one-time bonus of 10 Dueling Crests just for logging in by March 13. Finally, there are new Quests available for completing challenges in the Arena. These are available until March 1. The challenges and rewards are as follows:

  • Win 5 Arena Duels – 10 Dueling Crests
  • Win 20 Arena Duels – 1,000 Hero Feathers
  • Win 10 Arena Duels on Intermediate or higher difficulty – 1,000 Hero Feathers
  • Fire Emblem Heroes

    The results are in for the Fire Emblem Heroes “Choose Your Legends” vote. Ike and Lyn came out on top with 33,871 votes and 49,917 votes on the heroes and heroines charts respectively.

    Those two characters won the poll, but Nintendo is showing its thanks in another way. Roy and Lucina, who were next in line for the male and female sides, will also be getting their own “Choose Your Legends” versions.

    The full voting rankings can be found below.


    Fire Emblem Heroes has given a tease of an upcoming Grand Hero battle. The fight against a mystery enemy will begin on February 10 at 2 AM (EST), and will run until February 14 at 2 AM (EST). Though the enemy is hidden, it seems likely that it is Narcian, a Wyvern General who was featured in the Fire Emblem Direct.

    The Fire Emblem Heroes “Choose your Legends” vote wrapped up last week. Since then, fans have been wondering when we’ll be hearing about the results. It won’t be much longer, thankfully.

    Nintendo said on the Japanese Fire Emblem Heroes Twitter account that the results will be shared on Thursday. It’s Wednesday already in Japan, so we can basically expect to hear something within the next day or so.

    Plenty of Fire Emblem aficionados participated in the vote. Nintendo said last Wednesday that 1.2 million votes were recorded.


    Just before Fire Emblem Heroes’ launch, Nintendo held a special vote on the game’s website. Fans were tasked with voting on characters they’d like to see in the game. If you participated and logged in as a My Nintendo member, you would be entitled to some free points.

    Those points are now starting to go out. Nintendo is sending out emails confirming that 200 Platinum Points are being sent to users’ accounts. If you visit this page, you can verify that they’ve been properly added.

    Thanks to Anthony for the tip.

    Nintendo is hosting a new global retweet event for Fire Emblem Heroes. Players have been tasked with collectively retweeting a particular message 10,000 times across the company’s North American and European Twitter pages plus the official Japanese Twitter account. The reward? 10,000 Hero Feathers.

    As of this moment, the Japanese Fire Emblem Heroes page already has over 10,000 retweets. It will took a few minutes to reach in the end.


    Fire Emblem Heroes

    Fire Emblem Heroes added in a new Launch Celebration Map under its Special Maps listing earlier today. For a look at the new content, see the video below.

    Sharena is one of the original characters of Fire Emblem Heroes – she was designed by Yusuke Kozaki, who was also responsible for the character designs of Fire Emblem Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates. Nintendo just published a video of Yusuke Kozaki drawing Sharena on an iPad Pro. Give it a watch if you’re interested in his process:

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