Fire Emblem Heroes – Legendary Hero Remix and Galle returns in Grand Hero Battle
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes is continuing its 4th anniversary celebration with a new summoning event and a Grand Hero Battle revival. The summoning event is the Legendary Hero Remix, a focus that features Ike: Vanguard Legend and Fjorm: Princess of Ice as well as eight other legendary heroes. This event gives an initial appearance rate of 6% and lasts until February 18, 2021 at 10:59pm PT.
Also live now is the Grand Hero Battle for Galle: Azure Rider. He is available to battle in various special maps and there are exclusive missions to go along with his reappearance. This Grand Hero Battle will be live until February 14, 2021 at 10:59pm PT.
Fire Emblem Heroes – 2/9/2021 current events
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Check out the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:
- Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of a 5-Star summoning focus! A new weapon skill, Spy-Song Bow, and new weapons to refine, Meisterschwert and Giga Excalibur, are here! Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
- Protect Askr from Thórr’s army, led by Xander, in Mjölnir’s Strike! It’s time for the Brace phase! Build structures and place allies on the map! And from now on, your summoner will join the Heroes in Mjölnir’s Strike!
- In this week’s Coliseum, take on Resonant and Allegiance Battles to earn rewards including Divine Codes (Part 1), Dragonflowers (F), a Wind Blessing, and Trait Fruit!
- Bonus titles for the next Resonant Battles season starting Feb 15, 11 PM PT, are Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn and Fire Emblem Awakening. Use this time to prepare your best team!
- From the Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem game, Tiki and Nagi are back in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle Revival: Tiki & Nagi! Orbs await those who take on Hard through Infernal modes!
Fire Emblem Heroes – Petrine returns for Grand Hero Battle, Forma event Pawns of Loki begins
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The 4th Anniversary has arrived in Fire Emblem Heroes. Check out what’s happening in game currently:
- Petrine: Icy Flame-Lancer is back in Special Maps for a Grand Hero Battle as part of the 4th Anniversary Celebration. There are also some limited-time quests from which you can earn a Grand Hero, even if you’ve cleared these maps before!
- Use Forma Souls to add Forma units to your army for a limited time after the Hall of Forms event has ended! They’re included in the Forma Soul Packs available in the Shop. Players who participated in the event can get 500 Hero Feathers from the Forma Allies menu.
- The Pawns of Loki event, where players battle using Forma, has begun! Devise strategies with your units to challenge Loki in her game of the gods! This event’s bonus weapons: sword, lance, axe, bow, dagger, and beast.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Tempest Trials+: Lost to Love, 4th Anniversary Hero Fest, and Love of a King summoning event all live now
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has dropped a lot of new content to celebrate its 4th anniversary. First, a couple of summoning events: one part of the Hero Fest that features Sothis: Girl on the Throne, Ephraim: Dynastic Duo, Shamir: Archer Apart, and Shinon: Scathing Archer, and the other part of the Love of a King event, bringing the Special Heroes Lif: Undying Ties Duo, Alfonse: Uplifting Love, Gustav: Majestic Love, and Henriette: Overflowing Love. The Hero Fest summon will be available until February 15, while the Love of a King heroes will be up until March 4.
Fire Emblem Heroes update out now (version 5.2.0), patch notes
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have released the big 5.2.0 update for Fire Emblem Heroes. It contains new features, improvements, and adjustments.
Below are the full patch notes:
Fire Emblem Heroes – 5-Star Special Hero summon focus and 4th Anniversary events
Posted on 4 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has now reached its 4th year. Check out what’s happening in game:
- We’re holding a 5-Star Special Heroes summoning event to celebrate our 4th anniversary! You can only summon once, but you’re guaranteed a random 5-Star Special Hero that initially appeared between Feb. 2020 and early Jan. 2021!
- Can you believe it? #FEHeroes has reached its 4th Anniversary! To express our gratitude to all you summoners out there, we’re having a 4th Anniversary Celebration!
- Bonus titles for the next Resonant Battles season starting Feb. 8, 11 PM PT, are Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Use this time to prepare your best team!
- This week’s Coliseum is active Feb. 1, 11 PM PT-Feb. 8, 2:59 PM PT. Take on Resonant Battles to earn rewards like Divine Codes (Part 1), Dragonflowers (C), a Water Blessing, and Trait Fruit! (Allegiance Battles won’t be held this week.)
Fire Emblem Heroes – Choose Your Legends: Round 5 results announced
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
During today’s Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes, the final results were announced for the Choose Your Legends: Round 5 fan poll.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Feh Channel presentation released – February 1, 2021
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News, Videos | 0 comments
Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have prepared the latest Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes. It covers current and upcoming events, details about the next update, and more.
Here’s the full video:
Fire Emblem Heroes – Voting Gauntlet: Mercenary Matchups live now
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has dropped its newest Voting Gauntlet. This Gauntlet pits 8 different mercenaries against each other, and players can support the hero they want to win by battling on their behalf.
The winner of the Gauntlet will be decided in three rounds, each lasting 45 hours. Here are the details of the three rounds:
- Round 1: 1/28/21 at 11:00pm PT – 1/30/21 at 7:59pm PT.
- Round 2: 1/30/21 at 11:00pm PT – 2/1/21 at 7:59pm PT.
- Round 3: 2/1/21 at 11:00pm PT – 2/3/21 at 7:59pm PT.
The winning hero will give out special rewards to those that supported them, so make sure to your votes cast before voting ends.
Fire Emblem Heroes – Seiros: Saint of Legend Mythic Hero summoning event and special maps live now
Posted on 4 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Mobile | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes has added a new Mythic Hero from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. This hero is Seiros: Saint of Legend, and she is now available for summoning in a special Mythic Hero summoning event. Other five star Mythic Heroes will also be focused in this summoning event, and they all have an 8% chance of being summoned. This event will last until February 4 at 10:59pm PT.
Also live now is a Mythic Hero battle with Seiros: Saint of Legend- bringing exclusive battles where she can be challenged for blessings, orbs, and accessories. Eight other Mythic and Legendary Hero battles are back as well, and they will all be available until February 4 at 10:59pm PT.