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Fire Emblem Heroes

Voting Gauntlet: Winter Flurries is now available. Players can win battles to increase their army’s score and complete quests to earn rewards such as Orbs, Divine Codes (Ephemera 12), Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones. Be sure to login to get the most out of the event.

Players can check the status of the voting gauntlet here. Who are you hoping to see as the victor?

Check out the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes after the break:

Fire Emblem Heroes has refreshed its content with a couple of new additions. First, Pawns of Loki is live now; an event where players can use Forma to challenge Loki and her game of the gods. The bonus weapons for this event are magic, dragon, and staff, and its first round will last until 10:59pm PT on December 29, 2020. 

Also live now is a Summoning Focus for heroes with the skill Luna; which is a skill that halves opponents Def/Res during battle. The five-star variants of the heroes Mareeta (The Blade’s Pawn), Sirius (Mysterious Knight), and Ced (Heroes on the Wind) will be featured in this summoning focus. This will run until 10:59pm PT on January 4, 2020.

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced the next summoning event for Fire Emblem Heroes. New Year: ω Special Heroes kicks off this coming week, and will feature Plumeria, Velouria, Kaden, and Peony (as a duo). A new Paralogue Story is also planned.

New Year: ω Special Heroes begins in Fire Emblem Heroes on December 31 / January 1. View a trailer for the event below.

Take a look at the latest events and summon banners in Fire Emblem Heroes, from the perspective of a very festive Hilda:

  • A new map, “Magic, Flame and Gear,” is now available in Tactics Drills: Skill Studies! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills! I’ll be over here in the wings cheering you on!
  • Looks like Resplendent Hero Delthea: Free Spirit is now available to Feh Pass subscribers! How exciting! Feh Pass Quests have also been updated. They’re available until Jan. 9, 10:59 PM PT. Check the Feh Pass website for info!
  • I was just told that the next Resplendent Hero, Eldigan: Lionheart, is scheduled to become available Jan. 9, 11 PM PT!
  • Legendary Hero Lilina: Firelight Leader is in Special Maps. But that’s not all… A total of four Mythic and Legendary Hero Battles are back too! Clear these maps to earn blessings, Orbs, and accessories! Lilina sure looks like she can handle things.
  • Special Heroes bearing presents are back. I wonder if they have a present for me. I’d say I deserve one for all the work I’ve put in running this account… Oh! And I guess your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!
  • Heroes in costumes fit for enjoying the winter festival are back! Sothis is really getting into this, isn’t she? Don’t forget that your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

  • From the Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade game, Lilina: Firelight Leader has arrived. In this summoning event, twelve 5★ Heroes will have an initial appearance rate of 8%! The appearance rate for regular 5★ Heroes will be set to 0%, so don’t miss it!

Additionally, a small gift from Hilda will be available for all players, withnine First Summon Tickets for Legendary Hero and other summoning events. Make sure to login and claim it from your Present List by Dec. 31, 2020, 10:59 PM PT.

Lilina: Firelight Leader has been announced as the next Legendary Hero in Fire Emblem Heroes. Several other characters will be appearing during the same event.

Fire Emblem Heroes will be making Lilina: Firelight Leader available on December 24 / December 25. View a trailer below.

Fire Emblem Heroes is in the midst of its holiday celebrations, with a little extra help from Hilda. Check out what’s happening here:

  • Where to start? Oh! Looks like this week’s Coliseum is active from Dec. 21, 11 PM PT, to Dec. 28, 2:59 PM PT! Take on Resonant Battles to earn Divine Codes (Part 1), Dragonflowers (C), and other stuff!
  • Bonus titles for the next Resonant Battles season starting Dec. 28 are Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War. So, get out there and prep your team for battle! What’s that? You’re already on it? Well…good!
  • Don’t forget to protect Askr from Thórr’s advancing army in Mjölnir’s Strike! You can earn lots of rewards from this event, including Trait Fruit, Dragonflowers, Midgard Gems, and Divine Codes (Part 1). The Counter phase starts tomorrow at 11:00 PM PT!
    • Hall of Forms is coming Dec. 23, 11 PM PT! Who do you want to shape and guide through the Hall of Forms? No one from Fódlan, I see…
      ■This event’s Forma
      ・Tsubasa: Madcap Idol
      ・Kiria: Cool Façade
      ・Mamori: Microwavin’ Idol
      ・Eleonora: Shooting Starlet


Here are the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Special Heroes clad in holiday-themed outfits are here! These Special Heroes also appear in the Paralogue story A Festival Miracle, and there are some limited-time quests too. There’s even a Log-In Bonus where you can get up to 13 Orbs!
  • In this Special Heroes summoning event, after summoning 40 times, you can choose one 5★ focus Hero to summon for free. Special for this event, you’ll be able to choose one 5★ focus Hero at 40, 80, and 120 summons for a maximum of three focus Heroes!
  • A Forma Soul item that allows you to add Forma units from the Hall of Forms event to your army is included with 60 Orbs in the Forma Soul Pack, which is now available in the Shop for a limited time! See the in-game notification for more info.
  • A new map, Festive Family Time, is now available in Tactics Drills: Skill Studies! Check it out in Story Maps to test your skills!

Have you been enjoying Fire Emblem Heroes?

Fire Emblem Heroes is starting its next Tempest Trials+ on December 17 at 11:00pm PT. Clearing maps will give out rewards such as: a five star hero Felix (Icy Gift Giver), 50 Divine Codes (Ephemera 12), and two Sacred Seals (fortify Def/Res 1 and Mystic Boost 1). Also, bonus allies during this trial will get increased HP, stats, and earn double XP/SP in battle. 

A summoning focus has gone live to correspond with the Tempest Trials+. It features the five star heroes: Bernadetta (Eternal Loner), Hilda (Idle Maiden), and Sanaki (Begnion’s Apostle). This will run until December 27, 2020 at 10:59pm PT.

Finally, The Pawns of Loki event is live now, which allows players to challenge the game of the gods with Forma. Exclusive rewards are given for succeeding, and the rounds will last 48 hours. 




Fire Emblem Heroes - A Festival Miracle

Fire Emblem Heroes will be hosting its latest summoning event this week. It will feature Sephiran, Bernadetta, Hilda, and Altina as a duo. A Paralogue Story is also planned.

Fire Emblem Heroes – A Festival Miracle goes live on December 16 / December 17. View a trailer for the event below.

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