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Fire Emblem Heroes

Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have announced Guardians of Peace as the next Fire Emblem Heroes summoning event. It will feature Larum, Perceval, Echidna, and Igrene. These characters represent Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.

Guardians of Peace goes live on November 18 at 11 PM PT / November 19 at 2 AM ET alongside a new paralogue story. View a trailer for the event below.


It’s Thursday, which means that a new map has been added to Skill Studies in Fire Emblem Heroes. “Of Princes and Mercs” can be found in the Skill Studies section; clearing it gets you 300 feathers.

Also, the next Røkkr Sieges event will start on November 16. You can now pre-register for it.

The latest Lost Lore event has come to Fire Emblem Heroes. This time, the focus is on the World of Awakening. Players will get to send out squads of heroes to scout areas, earning rewards like summon orbs and dragonflowers.


Nintendo and Intelligent Systems are closing out the end of Book III of Fire Emblem Heroes with a new ending movie. We have it below.

A new of quests has been added to Fire Emblem Heroes. They require you to use Alfonse: Prince of Askr to defeat a variety of enemies. The rewards include Orbs and Sacred Coins. The quests will be available until November 26.

A new Grand Hero, Cormag: Aloof Lanceman, from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, has arrived in Special Maps. Cormag is a wyvern knight of Grado and younger brother of the Sunstone, Glen. Although he left his army behind, he fights with love and pride for his homeland. Players can defeat the hero to have him join their ranks.

Additionally, Lost Lore is coming 11/12 at 11 PM PT. Players can send Heroes to scout other worlds and recover lore for the Heroes’ Saga, a collection of tales from the game’s series. Players can earn rewards like Orbs and Dragonflowers by scouting the World of Awakening.

Summoning Focus: New Power has started as the latest event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of the 5-star summoning focus. Concealed Blade, Golden Naginata, Renowned Bow, and Sun Dragonstone are available as new weapon skills.

Fire Emblem Heroes – Summoning Focus: New Power will be live until November 20.

No new in-game events in Fire Emblem Heroes today, however Intelligent Systems published a new event calendar today, showcasing upcoming events up through early December.

A lot of new events have hit for players of Fire Emblem Heroes, a full roundup of what’s new can be found after the break.

Fire Emblem Heroes received its latest patch today. Version 3.11.0 is live, featuring updates to Aether Raids and Aether Resort. New weapon skills and weapons to refine have been added as well.

Here’s some additional information:

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