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Fire Emblem Heroes

Starting at 11 PM PT on 11/6, players will be able to gain friendship with Heroes including Ephraim (with Lyon) and Tethys from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. By forging bonds, you can unlock and view special conversations among the heroes. Differing from the last Forging Bonds event, arrows indicating which event characters have a boosted chance to gain friendship have been added to the Forging Bonds screens.

Desert Mercenaries has been announced as the latest summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Featured characters include Tethys, Gerik, Ewan, and Ephraim (as a duo). A new story chapter is also planned.

Desert Mercenaries kicks off on November 6 / November 7. View a trailer for the event below.

The current Voting Gauntlet has reached its final round in Fire Emblem Heroes. The two finalists are Mia and Ilyana; you have 48 hours to support your chosen hero.

Also, a new set of Cavalry Strike quests has gone live. As you might expect, these quests require you to defeat a variety of enemies using cavalry-type allies. The rewards include crystals, shards and dragonflowers. The quests will be available until November 18.

Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 2 is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes. Note that 5-star focus Heroes have an initial appearance rate of 4 percent.

You can partake in Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 2 until November 10.

Fire Emblem Heroes - Bound Hero Battle

Bound Hero Battle: Alm & Faye has started in Fire Emblem Heroes. The two characters from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia can be found in Special Maps. Take on Hard through Infernal modes to earn Orbs.

Tying in with the Bound Hero Battle, a 5-star summoning focus. Alm: Hero of Prophecy, Faye: Devoted Heart, and Celica: Warrior Priestess are all featured here.

Fire Emblem Heroes update

Fire Emblem Heroes has detailed the changes coming in the 3.11.0 update, which is scheduled for “early November” (likely sometime next week). All in all, it’s a fairly minor update. Here’s what’s new:

  • Aether Raids and Aether Resort are being updated
    ・ Three new songs are being added to the Concert Hall.
    ・ Bolt Tower (O/D) structures will have their level cap increased to 5.
    ・ The maximum number of defensive structures that you can place is being increased from 5 to 6.
  • The following will temporarily occur in Aether Raids with the release of Ver. 3.11.0:
    ・ Players using Ver. 3.10.0 cannot be matched with or attack players using Ver. 3.11.0 (with 6 defensive structures placed).
    ・ Players using Ver. 3.11.0 can attack players using Ver. 3.10.0.
  • New weapon skills and weapons to refine are being added
    Concealed Blade for Athena: Borderland Sword
    Golden Naginata for Subaki: Perfect Expert
    Renowned Bow for Gordin: Altean Archer
    Sun Dragonstone for Kana: Dragon Princess
  • Additional Heroes via Heroic Grails
    The following Heroes will be available to summon using Heroic Grails:
    ・ Rinea: Reminiscent Belle
    ・ Astram: Midia’s Hero

Voting Gauntlet: Haunted Heroes has officially started in Fire Emblem Heroes. Players can win battles to increase their army’s score and complete quests to earn in-game rewards such as Orbs, Sacred Coins, and Refining Stones. The event is expected to wrap up by November 5.

In other Fire Emblem Heroes news, Tactics Drills: Skill Studies has a new map. Drawn to Hope’s Light can be found in Story Maps where players can test their skills.

Summoning Focus: Heroes with Guard Skills is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Three Heroes with Guard skills are available as part of the latest 5-star event. Heroes with Guard skills grant up to Def/Res+4 to allies within two spaces if the foe uses a certain type of weapon.

Summoning Focus: Heroes with Guard Skills will be available until November 9.

The recently announced Summoning Focus for the new Legendary Hero, Leif: Unifier of Thracia, is now available. As always, the initial chance to get a 5-star Hero is set at 8%, and the only 5-star Heroes to appear are the following: Leif: Unifier of Thracia, Alm: Saint-King, Tiki: Torpid Dragon, Ryoma: Supreme Samurai, Ike: Stalwart Heart, Palla: Eldest Bun-Bun, Lucia: Glorious Archer, Azura: Vallite Songstress, Marisa: Crimson Rabbit, Hector: Marquess of Ostia, Felicia: Off the Menu and Ranulf: Friend of Nations. The Summoning Focus will be available until November 5.

Leif is also an enemy you can face in a new Legendary Hero Battle. Beat the various difficulty modes to get a variety of rewards. The Legendary Hero Battles for Hector, Lucina, Alm, Azura and Ryoma are also back. All of those will be available until November 5.

Finally, Meet Some of the Heroes has been updated with some Heroes from Thracia 776: Finn: Lance of Legend, Nanna: Nordion Princess, Reinhardt: Thunder’s Fist, Olwen: Blue Mage Knight and Saias: Bishop of Flame.

A new Voting Gauntlet will start in Fire Emblem Heroes on October 31. Fittingly for Halloween, the theme will be Haunted Heroes and will feature several Heroes in costumes. The first-round match-ups are as follows:

  • L’Arachel vs Dozla
  • Mia vs Hector
  • Ilyana vs Henry
  • Kagero vs Jakob

Starting today, there’s a also a special log-in bonus, giving out a total of 13 orbs.

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