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Pokemon Sword/Shield

Coinciding with today’s launch of The Isle of Armor for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, the Switch games have been updated. Version 1.2.0 is live worldwide.

Aside from adding in the new DLC, additional Pokemon can now appear, Link Codes are now 8-digits long, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

Pokemon Sword/Shield - The Isle of Armor

As part of The Isle of Armor DLC for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield, a bunch of returning creatures have been added to the games. Dataminers have already uncovered the full lineup of Pokemon that have been brought back from prior titles.

SciresM has shared the list, which we have below. For those keeping track, we have a separate list of Pokemon that are still unavailable in Pokemon Sword/Shield as well.

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield have officially kicked off the new Expansion Pass. The Isle of Armor, the first part of the DLC, has launched today.

Here’s a trailer:

The Isle of Armor will be followed by The Crown Tundra this fall.

Pokemon Presents

The Pokemon Company has announced Pokemon Presents, a new presentation that will offer up the latest news about the Pokemon Sword/Shield Expansion Pass and more.

It will go live tomorrow, June 17, at the following times:

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield will have level scaling for its DLC expansions The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra, Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have confirmed.

IGN received the news straight from Nintendo product marketing specialist Demetrius Boggs. During a preview of The Isle of Armor, the site saw that the first trainer battles were around level 60, which was the same as the highest level Pokemon in the trainer’s party. That means new players as well as those that have played extensively can both enjoy the experience.

Pokemon Sword/Shield - Ash's Cap

According to the latest issue of CoroCoro, a new distributed is planned for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Those who purchase Isle of Armor and have Zarude in their party will be able to receive Ash’s Cap based on his Partner Cap from the new movie Coco. It’ll be offered by an attendant at the Taxi Station.

CoroCoro sadly doesn’t provide any additional information. That being said, an official announcement will full details should follow in the near future.


Nintendo has issued a new European commercial for the Expansion Pass in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. We have it below.

The Expansion Pass kicks off with The Isle of Armor next week. The Crown Tundra will follow this fall.

According to news outlet Serebii, a new Dynamax Crystal event is coming to Pokemon Sword and Shield. In this event, you can get a code from certain video game retailers and it will provide you with a Dynamax Crystal which can be used to activate the Gigantamax Copperajah Max Raid Battle in the Watchtower Ruins. 

It seems that only Gamestop in Germany and GameMania in the Netherlands have rolled this out right now, but it is expected that more regions will see this soon. The Dynamax Crystal event for Gigantamax Copperajah is expected to go on from June 5th, 2020 to July 5th, 2020. 


Late last month, Nintendo was hit with another leak, which included the source code for Pokemon Gen 4. Fans have been parsing through the files since then and have been making discoveries such as a scrapped event with Cyrus. There’s been another interesting find recently relating to Pokemon spawn rates.

Interestingly, encounter rates go up by 5 percent on holidays such as Independence Day and St. Patrick’s Day. The full list is as follows (as shared by shinyhunter_map):

Pokemon Sword/Shield Expansion Pass

Nintendo has shared a new commercial to promote the Expansion Pass for Pokemon Sword/Shield. We’ve included the advert below.

The first part of the Expansion Pass, The Isle of Armor, launches on June 17. The Crown Tundra will follow this fall.

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