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Intelligent Systems

Fire Emblem Heroes updated with its latest content today. The big addition is the tease of the Voting Gauntlet: The Blood of Dragons.

These Special Heroes will be featured in the Voting Gauntlet:

– Tiki: Dragon Scion
– Corrin: Fateful Prince
– Fae: Divine Dragon
– Ninian: Oracle of Destiny
– Tiki: Naga’s Voice
– Nowi: Eternal Youth
– Corrin: Fateful Princess
– Sophia: Nabata Phophet

Earlier today, there were some brief problems with Fire Emblem Heroes. The current Arena season rewards were not displayed properly and the Arena Assault mode was playable at all. These issues have now been fixed; furthermore, free orbs will be sent as an apology to all players at a later date.


Another new summoning focus has graced Fire Emblem Heroes, this time it deals with heroes with the ability Threaten Spd. This focus includes: Takumi, Shanna and Jaffar. The focus will last until October 24th, so if you’re looking to get some Threaten Spd characters now is your chance. Also there will be two weeks of Arena Assault quests for players to take on starting today.

Fire Emblem Heroes received a bunch of new content today. Azura, Inigo, Olivia, and Shigure have been added for a Performing Arts festival. Players can experience paralogue maps, quests, and log-in bonuses. Check out some footage of the updates below.

The newest summoning focus for Fire Emblem Heroes is now available. This focus includes Azura, Oliva, Inigo, and Shigure. The focus will be available until October 30th. New paralogues are also available based around the characters.

Looks like we are getting our next set of special heroes and it includes a lot of dancers. We are getting special versions of Olivia and Azura, but also our first male dancers in the form of their children Inigo and Shigure. Check out the video down below.

The Grand Hero Battle featuring Clarisse has returned to Fire Emblem Heroes. Same as last time, you can obtain a 3 star version, a 4 star version and a 4 star version with Hero Feather of Clarisse if you can beat the map on Hard, Lunatic, or Infernal difficulty.

There is also a new set of Special Quests available tied in with the Grand Hero Battle. The Grand Hero Battle featuring Clarisse and the Special Quests will be available until October 4th.

Over on the official Fire Emblem Heroes Japanese Twitter they seem to be hinting towards a new hero being revealed on September 29th. You can see the heroes silhouetted up above, your guess is as good as mine.


Intelligent Systems has been making Fire Emblem games for many, many years. However, with Fire Emblem Heroes, the studio had to rethink its approach somewhat. Intelligent Systems and Nintendo weren’t just going to take the gameplay as is and plop it on to mobile devices as is.

That unique experience of working on Fire Emblem Heroes will help Intelligent Systems moving forward. That’s according to Kouhei Maeda, one of the game’s directors.

Maeda recently told IGN:

“What we’ve learned from working on Fire Emblem Heroes will really help us as we work on future games. As we’re working on future games, we’re thinking about what is it that fans want and what is it fans like, and we’re able to look at the data we get from Fire Emblem Heroes [and apply that].”

Thanks to Johnathan for the tip.


Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes players have another chance to collect Sacred Seals. These can be earned in the Extra Sacred Seals quests, now available.

Clearing the quests will net you the rewards. If you’ve already nabbed the Sacred Seals, you’ll earn Hero Feathers instead.

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