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Intelligent Systems

Code Name S.T.E.A.M. box art

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. debuted in Japan last week. Sadly, it’s almost an understatement to say that it’s off to a very slow start.

As Media Create didn’t include Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. in its latest charts, it was an indication that the game sold under 2,000 units. This is something that Famitsu confirms with its own sales figures. According to the site, Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. moved just 1,835 copies in Japan.


Nintendo published a North American launch trailer for Stretchmo. Catch it below.

Fullblox footage

Posted on 9 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos | 0 comments

Nintendo released Fullblox on the European 3DS eShop today. Take a look at some footage from the title below.

Nintendo has unexpectedly launched Fullblox on the European 3DS eShop. You may recall that the game saw a surprising announcement and release in Japan earlier this week. At this time, Fullblox is not available in North America.

Fullblox, a puzzle experience, can be downloaded from the European 3DS eShop for free. It comes with seven introductory puzzles, and players can purchase four additional DLC pack.

It’s possible to purchase the four DLC packs individually for the following prices:

– Mallo’s Playtime Plaza (£4.49): 100 progressively challenging levels that introduce the basics of the game.
– Poppy’s Sculpture Square (£2.69): 50 puzzle levels shaped like animals and objects.
– Corin’s Fortress of Fun (£2.69): 50 levels featuring new gizmo obstacles and enemies.
– Papa Blox’s NES Expo (£2.69): A treat for retro fans that features 50 levels based on classic NES characters.

Nintendo is also offering the following bundles:

– Bundle featuring all four DLC packs, £8.99
– Bundle of three DLC packs after Mallo’s Playtime Plaza has already been purchased, £6.29
– Bundle of any three DLC packs after already purchasing one of the following: Poppy’s Sculpture Square, Papa Blox’s NES Expo or Corin’s Fortress of Fun, £8.09

Check out the official trailer and announcement for Fullblox below.

The latest issue of Famitsu contains an interview with the developers behind Fire Emblem If. Yokota Kenki, Maeda Kouhe, and Masahiro Higuchi commented on the game’s concept, Phoenix Mode, different sides, gameplay, and a few other topics.

Head past the break for a roundup of the Q&A. All translations come courtesy of kantopia.

We’re hearing an interesting rumor about Paper Mario potentially coming to Wii U via Japanese forum 2ch.

Just recently, Intelligent Systems attended a job expo in Japan. A few folks who showed up for the event relayed this information on 2ch, along with speculation about a new Paper Mario. Representatives from the company were apparently stating that this is something that’s happening.

If nothing else, it does look like Intelligent Systems attended that job expo. The studio was handing out pamphlets/paperwork (posted on 2ch), which does suggest that part of the rumor is true.


Thanks to Kev for the tip.

Source, Via

It would appear that there will be a few more differences between the upcoming Fire Emblem IF versions than was originally anticipated. Recently Project Manager Masahiro Higuchi from Intelligent Systems and Nintendo Producer Hitoshi Yamagami spoke with 4Gamer and talked about a few more differences in Fire Emblem IF Black and White Kingdom.

In the interview they discussed that the story is not the only difference between the two versions, the White Kingdom was created for fans who have joined the series with Fire Emblem Awakening or are playing a game in the series for the first time.

This is what Masahiro Higuchi had to say:

White Kingdom will indeed be easier, while Black Kingdom will have a much higher difficulty with limited money and experience points for leveling up your characters. Additionally, it will have more difficult conditions for clearing its stages. Defeating the enemy general or defeating all enemies are still the basic requirements, but it will also have other conditions such as suppress enemies, break through enemy lines, and defend your base. There will also be maps with limited turns.

There will also be a few more differences aside from just the story:

Yes. Of course the story will be completely different, but there will also be major differences in the maps and the way the game is played. The games are being made so that you can feel satisfied by playing just one, but I believe that if you were to play both, you would be rather surprised at their differences.

Source, Via

Upcoming Strategy RPG Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. is on the horizon, coming out March 13th, and with that comes a slew of character profiles to get you familiar with those you’ll be playing as and battling alongside:


Tom Sawyer

Where he is from: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. Tom is very charismatic and convincing, considering one of the most famous tales in the novel is of him conning others into having the privilege of painting a fence he’s supposed to paint and reaping therewards. He, along with his friend Huckleberry Finn, get into a lot of trouble (and some adventure of course) as they live along the Mississippi River.

In the game: Tom Sawyer is the scout who can deploy mines, tricking enemies into traps that will lay waste to them. His special weapon is the punch gun, which in fact stuns enemies by punching them, becoming stunned in the process.


Henry Fleming

Where he is from: The Red Badge of Courage, written by Stephen Crane. Taking place during the Civil War, Fleming is a young private in the Union army who flees the battlefield when faced with danger. He eventually comes to terms with his own cowardice, however, and returns to his comrades in order to take on the Confederate army, finding newfound courage.

In the game: Of course, he is depicted as the All-American hero. He’s the guy you’ll be controlling throughout the game, using the Eagle Rifle to deal damage. His big attack, the Eagle Strike, has him turning into an eagle to attack enemies, causing major damage.


Tiger Lily

Where she is from: Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie. In the novel, she is a Native American princess of the Piccaninny tribe living on the island of Neverland. She attempts to sneak aboard Captain Hook’s ship armed with a knife but is captured and left at Marooner’s Rock to drown. She is saved by Peter Pan when he imitates Captain Hook’s voice and orders the pirates to set her free.

In the game: She is a healer who, as the name would suggest, heals enemies. The technique Healing Wind will help surrounding party members recover HP, including herself.

Certain GameStop stores are starting to receive some demo cards for the upcoming Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. in anticipation of an unannounced distribution event. The download will take up 1871 Blocks of system memory. No word as to how GameStop stores are going to distribute the demo yet, as the demo information surfaced courtesy of some dumpster diving, but we suspect it will be quite soon given the March release date.


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