Fire Emblem Heroes – New Grand Hero Battle and upcoming events outline
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Hailing from the Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 title, new Grand Hero, Kempf: Conniving General, is waiting in Special Maps. Players can defeat the shrewd schemer of Friege to make him their ally.
Additionally, a new outline has been released detailing the upcoming events in game, covering up to January. Players can take a look at it below:
Fire Emblem Heroes – events roundup 12/10/19
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Eight special heroes are back on this summon focus, with a 6% appearance rate. Players have a chance at adding the following focused heroes to their roster:
Flora (Fire Emblem Fates)
Lilina (Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade)
Pent (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
Tanith (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Elincia (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
Sanaki (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Ursula (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
Xander (Fire Emblem Fates)
Additionally, a new Grand Conquests event is coming 12/12, with the battlefield being Valentia from the Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia game. Players can pre-register from the events page in game.
Finally, Mjölnir’s Strike: Counter phase is now active. Use Counter Arrows to bring the fight to the enemy and use the Weaker Bonus and Combo Bonus to increase the effectiveness of your Counter Arrows. Players who didn’t participate in the Shield phase can still join the fight, so jump in and help out at your leisure.
Fire Emblem Heroes – events roundup 12/9/19
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile | 0 comments
Heroes who have gained new skills are featured as part of a 5★ summoning focus, including weapon skills Knightly Lance and Arthur’s Axe. A new weapon, Resolute Blade, is also here to be refined. As always, your first summon on this focus banner won’t cost any orbs.
Also, Mjölnir’s Strike: Shield phase is now active. Players can weather the enemy’s onslaught for seven turns to claim victory. Achieving a high score and raising your Tier will allow you to earn rewards like Divine Codes, Midgard Gems, and Dragonflowers. You can take a look at the promotional image for this event here:
Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 7 returns in Fire Emblem Heroes
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 7 is back up and running in Fire Emblem Heroes. 5-star Heroes who appeared before the start of Book II appear as focus Heroes in this week’s summoning focus revival. Note that 5-star focus Heroes have an initial appearance rate of 4 percent.
You’ll be able to partake in Summoning Focus: Weekly Revival 7 until December 15.
Fire Emblem Heroes hosting Mjölnir’s Strike
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Mjölnir’s Strike has started in Fire Emblem Heroes as the game’s latest event. Players are tasked with protecting the Kingdom of Askr from Thórr’s advancing army, which is lead by Narcian. Mjölnir’s Strike is currently in the Brace phase where players build structures and place allies on the map.
Also worth noting, Fire Emblem Heroes has seen one of its regular updates today for Special Maps: Rival Domains and Special Quests (Axe Art Quests).
Fire Emblem Heroes – Book IV footage
Posted on 5 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, Videos | 0 comments
Fire Emblem Heroes updated this week with its brand new Book IV addition. Take a look at some footage of the latest content below.
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore soundtrack to be released in Japan
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch | 0 comments
The two new trailers weren’t the only piece of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore news today. The game’s soundtrack will get a separate release in Japan, as was announced today. Called the “Best Sound Collection”, it’ll be released on January 17 for 4,950 Yen. The soundtrack contains all of the game’s background music and vocal songs on three discs, for a total of 82 tracks. This includes the four new vocal songs added in the Switch version, which are:
– “Dia Sweet Witch (Kiria ver.)” performed by Kiria
– “She is…” performed by Kiria & Tsubasa Oribe
– “Maybe Friends, Maybe Lovers (Kiria ver.)” performed by Kiria
– “Reincarnation (Tsubasa Oribe ver.)” performed by Tsubasa Oribe
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore: two new trailers
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Switch, Videos | 0 comments
We’re quickly approaching the release of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore on January 17. Today, Nintendo released two new Japanese trailers for the game – first up, here’s the overview trailer:
And the battle trailer, which showcases the combat system:
Fire Emblem Heroes – Mythic Hero Peony: Sweet Dream summon event and new Forging Bonds
Posted on 5 years ago by Elias in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Featuring characters from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, a new batch of heroes are available to summon for a limited time. Mythic Hero Peony: Sweet Dream is only available for a limited time. The next time this Hero will be available is a summoning event in late December. From this summoning event onward, New Hero Tanya: Dagdar’s Kid will appear as a 3★ and 4★ Hero.
Additionally, Forging Bonds: Path to the Future is here. Players can grow close to the event Heroes to get accessories, First Summon Tickets, and a conversation featuring Mareeta, Osian, and more. You can also earn 2 Orbs once per day for up to 7 days. Speaking of orbs — Along with the beginning of Book IV and a New Heroes summoning event, there are two Log-In Bonuses where you can get up to 33 Orbs in total, so make sure to keep logging in.
Fire Emblem Heroes: version 4.0 now available, Tactics Drills updated, Mjölnir’s Strike begins
Posted on 5 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A new major update is now available for Fire Emblem Heroes. Version 4.0, which was announced in the latest Feh Channel video, can now be downloaded. Today, the first phase of the new event mode Mjölnir’s Strike has started. You have three days to edit your Shield Map by building defensive structures and choosing allies.
Also, since it’s Thursday, a new map has been added to Tactics Drills. “Out of the Woods” can be found in the Grandmaster section; clearing it gets you 300 feathers.