Shin’en on FAST RMX – new content, praise for Switch, uses HD Rumble
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 36 Comments
Gamereactor shared a new interview with Shin’en CEO Manfred Linzer today. We’ve picked out a few highlights, but you can read the full discussion here.
Linzer chatted about what’s new with FAST RMX, Switch in general, and confirmed HD Rumble support. Read his comments below.
More: interview, Manfred Linzer, top
Shin’en talks FAST Racing Neo – speed, tech, local/online multiplayer still planned
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 22 Comments
Shin’en’s Manfred Linzner answered a number of questions about FAST Racing Neo in a new interview. Linzner discussed the game’s speed, commented on the technical aspects behind the game, and reconfirmed local/online multiplayer. Give the full interview a look below.

More: FAST Racing Neo, indie, Manfred Linzer, Manfred Linzner, Shin'en
[Weekly Screenshot] Art of Balance Wii U #3 – Perfect Imperfections
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Weekly Screenshot, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
As we’ve done for the last two weeks, today we have another exclusive screenshot of the upcoming Wii U eShop game Art of Balance from our friends at Shin’en. They’ll be showing off some genuinely neat stuff this time around, including some changes to the core user-interface and some of the small graphical touches that their known for putting in all of their games. Like before, the following quote comes from Mr. Manfred Linzer over at the developer, and you can look at the screenshot he’s talking about above:
Hi guys! Another week, another screen from our upcoming beautiful Wii U game called “Art of Balance”. This time I’ll show you a screen from the 2nd world.
When creating the Wii U version we thought about how we could make the game feel more ‘real’; a subtle but nice change was how to pick the shapes. On 3DS and Wii, the shapes were simply picked from a 2D HUD Layer and then projected into the 3D screen. On Wii U, we placed the shapes directly on the table, so you can select them with your GamePad or Wii Remote. This feels very natural and gives a more ‘solid world’ feeling.
Also we wanted the game to feel ‘gemuetlich’ as we say in German, so the levels should feel warm and inviting. Besides choosing the correct lighting and props, we figured out that it was important not to have that typical ‘clean’ computer rendering style, so we tried to give everything little imperfections. Just look at the table – all of the little scratches and variations in particular. This is used on every asset in the game. It’s very subtle, but gives that little extra touch we wanted.
More: Art of Balance, highlight, Manfred Linzer, Shin'en, top
Art of Balance and FAST Racing Neo are using Shin’en’s second-gen Wii U engine
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
Several months ago, Shin’en revealed that the company was hard at work on its second-generation engine for Wii U. Both of the studio’s upcoming titles for the console – Art of Balance and FAST Racing Neo – are taking advantage of the upgraded tech, Manfred Linzer confirmed to us.
Linzer, CEO of Shin’en, said that the two games are actually just using “a subset of our new engine”. However, “we are pretty happy with the results,” he told us.
Linzer explained, “With FRN we wanted to get more realism. That was not possible with our old tech. So we implemented a lot of new stuff that allows us to get there. We are still learning but we think we are on a good way to create a really special Wii U game.”
While Art of Balance and FAST Racing Neo are taking advantage of the new engine, “Art of Balance is more on the ‘stylized’ side and FAST more on the realism side.”
We are sworn to secrecy regarding the engine’s capabilities, but know that Shin’en has managed to implement a number of improvements and a few new graphical effects. Some of these were previously used “in an ad hoc way, and not in a unified system.” According to Linzer, “Now everything blends nicely together which we need to get on a new level.”