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Matt Thorson

Long after it was announced, the Chapter 9 update for Celeste was recently made available. IGN spoke with developer Matt Thorson about the extra content and more in a new interview. Thorson explained why they’re not charging for the new content (and revealed that there isn’t much interest in a sequel currently), why it took so long to release, and commented on the game’s sales.

We’ve rounded up these excerpts from the interview below. For the full discussion, head on over to IGN.

Celeste is off to a very good start on Switch. The game has sold the most on Nintendo’s console, according to creator Matt Thorson.

Thorson told Destructoid in a new interview:

“The Switch version of Celeste has sold the most, and that’s what we were expecting. We feel like Celeste and the Switch are a perfect fit for each other. We are glad we launched on all consoles though, and we really appreciate the support we’ve seen across the board.”

Thorson hasn’t divulged any specific sales figures for Celeste. But as we’ve seen, it’s topping the Switch eShop charts.


Polygon has posted a new video showing seven minutes of gameplay from Celeste running on Switch. Get a look at the new game from TowerFall’s creator below.

Polygon has put up the latest video in its “Devs Make Mario” series. In today’s feature, Towerfall creator Matt Thorson creates a level in the game. View it below.

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