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Nintendo has responded to the October 2013 NPD data report.

The company’s results are highlighted by 3DS sales, which came in at 452,000 units last month. October 3DS sales doubled last month’s total, and according to Nintendo, “marked the most units any portable video game system or home console has sold in a single month in 2013.”

Pokemon X/Y were the top two selling titles in the US last month. Both versions sold 1.7 million copies in the US.

Thanks to the new Pokemon releases, October was the biggest month for 3DS software. Nintendo said in its NPD response today, “Total Nintendo 3DS first-party software sales hit more than 2 million units sold, the highest tally since the report for December 2011, which included sales of hit games Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7.”

You can find Nintendo’s full NPD response below.

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NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of October. The results can be found below.

1. Grand Theft Auto V (360, PS3)
2. Pokémon X (3DS)
3. Pokémon Y (3DS)
4. Battlefield 4 (360, PS3, PC)
5. Batman: Arkham Origins (360, PS3, Wii U, PC)
6. Assassin’s Creed IV, Black Flag (360, PS3, Wii U)
7. NBA 2K14 (360, PS3, PC)
8. Skylanders: Swap Force (Wii, 360, PS3, Wii U, 3DS)
9. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (360, PS3, Wii U, 3DS, PC)
10. WWE 2K14 (360, PS3)

Worth noting, the 3DS came out on top as the best-selling system in the US last month.


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