Official Nintendo Magazine set to end with issue 114
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in News | 3 Comments
Future and The Official Nintendo Magazine have announced that the publication will be set to close with issue #114.
The magazine launched in the UK in 2002 and has since brought fans, news, interviews, previews and reviews on new and retro Nintendo software and hardware.
Here is a statement on why the decision was made to end the publication;
– Nintendo is constantly evaluating and evolving the ways in which it speaks to its fans, with this in mind, Nintendo UK has decided to focus on alternative channels including Nintendo Direct, social media and online channels and public events
– Future has decided to enhance its online offering around a core of existing sites with the recently launched Kotaku UK providing a great platform for our wealth of Nintendo experts from ONM and the wider Future network. Future looks forward to expanding its Nintendo coverage on Gamesradar as we unveil exciting plans to expand the site’s scope and depth. Gamesradar recently confirmed the impending integration of and, adding a wealth of expertise in movies, film, sci-fi and comics. Gamesradar’s existing gaming coverage attracts 7 million unique users and 100 million page views a month. Future plans to showcase the award-winning work of its global network of games journalist from brands including OPM, OXM, Edge, Gamesmaster and PC Gamer on a newly enhanced Gamesradar platform, with some exciting announcements due in the near-future and beyond.
The above statements have now been removed from the site as well as the Q&A section and replaced with the brief statements below;
“Nintendo will continue to speak directly to fans via Nintendo Direct, our social media and online channels and public events.”
“Nintendo UK and Future will continue to work closely on future projects across, CVG, Edge, Kotaku UK and Gamesmaster.”
More: Future, official nintendo magazine, UK
Update: Indie-related – ONM’s Wii U game tease isn’t Sonic Boom
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 9 Comments
Update: Castle has confirmed that the tease is indie-related.
To clarify: next month Wii U remark relates to something indie and cool, though contents are subject to change based on developer wishes.
— Matthew Castle (@MatthewONM) February 9, 2014
Original: ONM is teasing a new Wii U title for its next issue. While the magazine itself didn’t offer much in the way of hints, editor Matthew Castle has ruled out one possibility.
Castle confirmed on Twitter that the mystery game isn’t related to Sonic Boom. He said:
@Joshawott It isn't Sonic, no, but what it is may no longer be relevant. Contents subject to change, as always.
— Matthew Castle (@mrbasil_pesto) February 8, 2014
The comment “what it is may no longer be relevant” is a bit interesting. Perhaps an attempt to lower expectations? Could it be some other Wii U title we recently heard about such as Art of Balance? Or maybe we’ll be hearing about the game before the next issue of ONM is out?
ONM teases new Wii U game for next issue
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 40 Comments
The Official Nintendo Magazine has teased a new game set to be revealed in its April issue.
A teaser discovered in the current edition reads:
“OOOOOH! New Wii U game! (And no, it isn’t F-Zero or Star Fox).”
An important word of caution: there’s a fairly high chance that the tease is for Sonic Boom. That’s not at all confirmed, but wouldn’t be at all surprising given how it was just announced a few days ago, and ONM likely couldn’t talk about the title before publishing its latest issue.
More hype for Red Steel 2?
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Rumors, Wii | 3 Comments
Not too long ago, news was released of a possible Red Steel 2 preview in next month’s Nintendo Power. Fresh off of that comes some additional hype for a game that is said to be an exclusive to next month’s issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine. This is straight from ONM’s Twitter:
“Neil [ONM editor] is currently in another country looking at our exclusive game for issue 43… what could it be? It’s not Ninjabread Man 2 by the way.”
Two big exclusives in two Nintendo magazines seems like a dream come true. More updates on both of the titles as they become available.